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SAFE NEPAL is an NGO working in the Kathmandu District. SAFE Nepal aims to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS, oral health, environmental issues and community health generally in schools and colleges. The organisation focuses on peer education, creating community dialogue, and influencing local and...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Nepal

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women, children, and...

Caritas Internationalis - Tajikistan

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas provides a beacon of hope for tens of millions of women, men and...

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) - Japan

Youth With A Mission (YWAM), founded in 1960, is an international interdenominational Christian organisation, operating in more than 900 locations in over 140 countries, with a staff of over 11,000. YWAM aims to spread the love of God through helping with the practical and physical needs of people...

Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Laos

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. ADB’s principal tools are loans, guarantees, and technical assistance, which it provides mainly to member governments for specific projects and programmes. Laos...

Hands for Help Nepal

Hands for Help Nepal works with grass-root-level communities to mobilise international and local volunteers in different projects. Hands for Help also works to strengthen the capacity, skills and knowledge of voluntary development organisations and to provide support and create opportunities to the...

Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees (COERR) - Cambodia

The Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees (COERR) was established by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Thailand (CBCT) in 1978 as a Thai non-governmental organisation (NGO). Formed to help Thai nationals and their communities affected by forced migration into Thailand, COERR has also...

Caritas Internationalis - Sri Lanka

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas has been working in Sri Lanka since 1968, aiming to assist in...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Kazakhstan

ADRA seeks to identify and address social distortions and deprivation in developing countries. The agency's work is a representative expression of Seventh-day Adventists' desire to improve the quality of life of those in need. ADRA invests in the potential of these individuals through community...

Centre for Environment and Development (CEAD) [India]

Centre for Environment and Development (CEAD) carries out inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on environmental and developmental issues based on cross-fertilisation of mono-disciplinary sciences. CEAD also serve to provide consultancy and training support to implement various...

Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) was formed in the firm belief that there is an urgent need to strengthen institution and capacity-building for good governance and conflict transformation in Sri Lanka, and that non-partisan civil society groups have an important and constructive...

Centre for Women's Research (CENWOR)

Centre for Women's Research (CENWOR) conducts research and operates action programmes for women in Sri Lanka. CENWOR, over the years has expanded its work to include action programmes, gender sensitization and training, information dissemination and communication. It joined with other women’s...

International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)

The International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) is a network comprising Indonesian NGOs, together with member countries of the Consultative Group for Indonesia (CGI). INFID's remit is to facilitate communication between NGOs to promote alleviation of structural poverty, and improve...

IBM Crisis Management Services

IBM crisis management helps companies to prepare for, respond to and recover from unforeseen events, from the minor to the catastrophic (e.g. fire, a tsunami or a flu pandemic), preventing damage to an organization's workforce, operations and brand image. IBM crisis management have provided...

Pharmaciens Sans Frontières Comité International - Tajikistan

Pharmaciens Sans Frontières Comité International (PSFCI) are a humanitarian association specialising in providing pharmaceutical care to the world's most vulnerable populations. Present in Tajikistan since 1995, its projects have included supplying pharmaceuticals to local health care centres,...

Soros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan

The Soros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan focuses on creating conditions to ensure development of an open society through reform of public institutions and attitudes toward certain social issues. Priority areas included local governance and public administration, civil society, media freedom, legal aid for...

Shanghai Zhabei District Dongfeng Zhijiang Rest Home

Shanghai Zhabei District Dongfeng Zhijiang Rest Home provides aged care and integrated services for the elderly.

Alola Foundation

Alola Foundation is a not-for-profit non-governmental organisation operating in Timor-Leste to improve the lives of women and children. The organisation seeks to nurture women leaders and advocate for the rights of women. Their mission is Feto Forte Nasaun Forte - Strong Women, Strong Nation.

Cambodian Research Centre for Development (CRCD)

The Cambodian Research Centre for Development is an independent, non-political, non partisan and not for profit research organisation. The activities of CRCD focus on research in the areas of development, with the goal of improving the activities of national and international organisations involved...

Omaxe Foundation

The Omaxe Foundation is a non profit organization that aims to create a fair and empowered society by addressing the society's needs. The Foundation acts as a catalyst to facilitate resources in a number of ways to improve the quality of life of society at large.