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Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals

Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals, a UN Millennium Project Report, recommends concrete actions toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The report presents an overview of the findings and recommendations of the UN Millennium Project. The document was co-authored...
Grameen Danone creates a social dairy business enterprise in Bangladesh

Grameen Danone Foods, popularly known as "Grameen Danone" is a social business enterprise which, launched in 2006, has been designed to provide children with many of the key nutrients that are typically missing from their diet in rural Bangladesh.
Poultry innovation platform (entrepreneurship)

RIU Tanzania is building up a programme of poultry-related activities in partnership with a range of private sector organisations. The programme is seeking to develop agri-business entrepreneurship capacity through poultry farming for sustainable income generation and enterprise development in the...
Responsible investment: a force for poverty alleviation

The current crisis offers the opportunity to rethink the contribution that investors can make to eradicating global poverty. Oxfam believes that investors have a critical role to play in poverty alleviation, through supporting economic growth, building infrastructure, and helping to create a...
Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships

Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships, a publication by the UN Global Compact Office, presents a case for partnering with the UN in addition to listing case studies of successful UN-business partnerships. The partnerships presented in the...
Code of Conduct for NGOs engaged in Humanitarian Action, Reconstruction, and Development in Afghanistan

Code of Conduct for NGOs engaged in Humanitarian Action, Reconstruction, and Development in Afghanistan is aimed at promoting improved understanding of NGOs in Afghanistan, their purposes, and their accomplishments among the general public, government, donors and the media. The principles of...
WTO Director-General Mike Moore calls for increased trade liberalisation to help finance development

WTO Director-General Mike Moore calls for increased trade liberalisation to help finance development, a news article, reports that the then WTO Director-General Mike Moore said trade liberalisation can make a huge contribution to the generation of resources for the financing of development. But Mr...
Aid For Trade Second Global Review: Programme

Aid For Trade Second Global Review: Programme, an audio/visual summary, provides the proceedings of this conference which focused upon maintaining the momentum of Aid for Trade mandate, agreed at the WTO's Hong Kong Ministerial Conference in 2005. This mandate aims to help developing countries, and...
Top Leaders Pledge to Help Poor Economies to Reap Benefits from Global Trade

Top Leaders Pledge to Help Poor Economies to Reap Benefits from Global Trade a WTO/ADB news release, reports that top global and regional financial officials at a 2007 conference pledged to help small and weak states in Asia and the Pacific build and strengthen capacity to benefit from trade and...
Botswana Council of NGOs (BOCONGO)

Code of Conduct - Botswana Council of NGOs (BOCONGO) aims to enable NGOs in Botswana to respond to the challenges of sustaining democratic and participatory institutions. The Code provides guidelines on establishing an enabling environment, values, transparency, governance, accountability,...
Through an initiative of ASGN, micro-credit and tourism save giraffes in Niger

ASGN (the Association to Safeguard the Giraffes of Niger) used grants from the Wildlife Protection Foundation in the UK and from the Zoo de Doue in France to set up a successful micro-credit scheme.
Freedom from Hunger’s Benkadi Tongorongo association provides micro loans and group support in Mali

In rural Mali, Miama sells rice to support her family, thanks to both a microloan and the group support she receives from Freedom from Hunger's Benkadi Tongorongo association.
The Asian Development Bank and Non-Governmental Organizations: Working Together

The Microcredit Project in Indonesia, established by the Asian Development Bank and approved in 1994, focuses on microenterprise support, recognizing the potential of microenterprises to create jobs at low capital input costs and raise the income levels of the poor.
Uganda : Project Hope and Hard Work

The importance of microcredit in Uganda has soared in the recent decade and the instrument is now seen as one of the most effective tools to tackle poverty in the country.
Nonprofit Networking: The New Way to Grow

How can a nonprofit increase its social impact? Many would say it needs to grow big to be strong. Instead, says Harvard Business School professor Jane Wei-Skillern, the answer could be in the power of strategic networks.
Becton, Dickinson and Company(BD) launches cross-border volunteer programme to improve medical services in Ghana and Zambia

BD's launched a cross-border volunteer programme in 2005 in partnership with the Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and Direct Relief International.
Scaling Up Inclusive Business: Advancing the Knowledge and Action Agenda

This is a report produced for the International Finance Corporation. It is based on 14 IFC client case studies and draws on other research undertaken by IFC and the CSR Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School on inclusive business, including recent research supported by the Bill & Melinda...
SEFADES, Oxfam and Twin Holdings support fair trade of Haitian coffee

RECOCARNO (Réseau des Coopératives Caféières de la Région Nord), a network of eight small coffee-producer cooperatives in northern Haiti, was launched with support from several partners, including a fair trade buyer, local and international NGOs, and an international strategic marketing expert.
Starbucks and Fairtrade NGOs announce initiative to support small-scale coffee farmers

Starbucks, the Fairtrade Labelling Organisations (FLO) and TransFair USA announced joining forces to leverage a small-scale coffee farmer loan program that is intended to grow to at least $20 million by 2015 based on current commitments from Starbucks Coffee Company.
Grameen Foundation received $150,000 Amex grant

American Express has donated $150,000 to Grameen Foundation. The donation will help impart advanced training and technical assistance on accounting, management information systems, human resources and operations to Grameen's local partners: Activists for Social Alternatives in Tamil Nadu, Cashpor...