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Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships
Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships, a publication by the UN Global Compact Office, presents a case for partnering with the UN in addition to listing case studies of successful UN-business partnerships. The partnerships presented in the...
Beyond the Midpoint: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
This paper is UNDP’s forward-looking review of the factors that shape MDG progress, along with the constraints and bottlenecks that have hampered MDG achievement in many countries. The findings build on MDG assessments in 30 countries that were undertaken for this review.
WTO Director-General Mike Moore calls for increased trade liberalisation to help finance development
WTO Director-General Mike Moore calls for increased trade liberalisation to help finance development, a news article, reports that the then WTO Director-General Mike Moore said trade liberalisation can make a huge contribution to the generation of resources for the financing of development. But Mr...
Botswana Council of NGOs (BOCONGO)
Code of Conduct - Botswana Council of NGOs (BOCONGO) aims to enable NGOs in Botswana to respond to the challenges of sustaining democratic and participatory institutions. The Code provides guidelines on establishing an enabling environment, values, transparency, governance, accountability,...
Business-NGO Relationships for Environmental Conservation in Hong Kong: Capacity Building for NGOs and the Roles of Government and Business-Related Organisations
This is an article published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Public Administration, vol 29, no 2, in December 2007. Drawing on stakeholders' views collected from 31 in-depth face-to-face interviewees, the article investigates business-NGO relationships for environmental conservation in Hong...
Responsible investment: a force for poverty alleviation
The current crisis offers the opportunity to rethink the contribution that investors can make to eradicating global poverty. Oxfam believes that investors have a critical role to play in poverty alleviation, through supporting economic growth, building infrastructure, and helping to create a...
Nonprofit Networking: The New Way to Grow
How can a nonprofit increase its social impact? Many would say it needs to grow big to be strong. Instead, says Harvard Business School professor Jane Wei-Skillern, the answer could be in the power of strategic networks.
Scaling Up Inclusive Business: Advancing the Knowledge and Action Agenda
This is a report produced for the International Finance Corporation. It is based on 14 IFC client case studies and draws on other research undertaken by IFC and the CSR Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School on inclusive business, including recent research supported by the Bill & Melinda...
Code of Conduct for NGOs engaged in Humanitarian Action, Reconstruction, and Development in Afghanistan
Code of Conduct for NGOs engaged in Humanitarian Action, Reconstruction, and Development in Afghanistan is aimed at promoting improved understanding of NGOs in Afghanistan, their purposes, and their accomplishments among the general public, government, donors and the media. The principles of...
Aid For Trade Second Global Review: Programme
Aid For Trade Second Global Review: Programme, an audio/visual summary, provides the proceedings of this conference which focused upon maintaining the momentum of Aid for Trade mandate, agreed at the WTO's Hong Kong Ministerial Conference in 2005. This mandate aims to help developing countries, and...
Top Leaders Pledge to Help Poor Economies to Reap Benefits from Global Trade
Top Leaders Pledge to Help Poor Economies to Reap Benefits from Global Trade a WTO/ADB news release, reports that top global and regional financial officials at a 2007 conference pledged to help small and weak states in Asia and the Pacific build and strengthen capacity to benefit from trade and...
A Business Case for Fighting Poverty
Action on poverty can benefit business performance, as well as building an enabling environment in which to operate. This is the second paper in Oxfam’s ‘Briefings for Business’ series, which aims to develop the debate on the role of the private sector in poverty reduction by offering ideas and...
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) - meetings and conferences
The ISDR is a programme of the UN which aims at building disaster-resilient communities by promoting increased awareness of the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development -- with the goal of reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due to...
Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Handbook for Business
Public-Private Partnerships for Development - A Handbook for Business was developed to help businesses operating in developing countries to understand how to build public-private partnerships that will benefit their host country populations and participating firms.
Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals
Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals, a UN Millennium Project Report, recommends concrete actions toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The report presents an overview of the findings and recommendations of the UN Millennium Project. The document was co-authored...
World Bank calls for Africa fund
World Bank calls for Africa fund, a news article, reports that the World Bank has urged developed countries to create a fund to help African economies build the infrastructure they need to keep growing. The World Bank warned that the global economic meltdown was becoming an employment crisis and...
Partnering for Development - Making it Happen
Partnering for Development - Making it Happen, a booklet, builds on the report from the Commission on the Private Sector and Development and looks at three areas of engagement: the development of commercially sustainable business models that can be expanded and replicated; the reform of laws,...
World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF): Spring Meeting, 14-15 April 2007, and Annual Meeting, 19-21 Oct 2007
The World Bank is a specialised UN agency with a mandate of reducing poverty globally. The World Bank supports the efforts of developing country governments to build schools and health centers, provide water and electricity, fight disease, and protect the environment. There are two annual meetings...
Under the spotlight: Building a better understanding of global business-NGO partnerships
Focussing specifically on partnerships between business and NGOs, this paper aims to play its part in: * Revealing partnership potential; * Addressing the challenges that working outside one’s comfort zone invariably brings; and * Pushing forward the partnering agenda so that it starts to have...
Good practice in community based disaster risk management
This document presents good practices from the GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Programme, which envisages accelerating capacity development for disaster reduction at the national level and in some of the most-vulnerable regions in the country through community-based and gender sensitive...