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Global Unification The Gambia

Global Unification The Gambia (GU) is a chapter of Global Unification International (GUI) in Australia. The organisation is a youth-led research and development NGO at the University of the Gambia. In partnership with relevant institutions, the organisation aims to provide education and...

Forest and Agroforestry Promoters Cameroon (FAP NGO) Cameroon

Forest and Agroforestry Promoters (FAP NGO) Cameroon is an NGO that aims to to promote the sustainable management of the natural and wetland resources in the Western highlands of Cameroon. The organization FAP was created in May 2001 by indigenes of the North West Region who have interest in the...


ALPHA WORLD ORGANISATION (AWO) is a Common Initiative Group. The group's objectives include capacity building, research and promotion of micro enterprises, small business funding, sustainable agricultural ventures and recently small scale processing.

Khadarlis for Sierra Leone

Khadarlis for Sierra Leone is an NGO based in the USA dedicated to rebuilding Sierra Leone by providing homes, sustainable electricity, and clean water. The organisation runs a store in Providence, Rhode Island to fund projects in Sierra Leone. All the profits from the store go to building...

Kanyango Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project (KOHOP)

Kanyango Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project (KOHOP) is an organisation in Homabay County, Kenya. The organisation is involved in an HIV/AIDS project whose main activities include community capacity building through nutrition education, agricultural promotion, vocational training for orphans...

Kyankima Youth Empowerment Programme (KYEP)

The Kyankima Youth Empowerment Programme (KYEP) is a youth led initiative in Uganda. The Programme's basic objective is to engage and support young people to address the most urgent problems (livelihood, health, education, poverty, peace building) facing Uganda today. The organisation aims to...

Kenyan Community Support Initiative

Kenyan Community Support Initiative (KCSI) is an NGO based in Kisii, Kenya. KCSI aims to improve life for the poorest people, and also to protect and conserve the environment. The organisation believes that, wherever possible, it is better to give people a way to earn an income, or grow sufficient...

The International Good Samaritan Mission/Mission for Improvement and Boosting Organizational Services to the Community (MIBOS)

The Mission for Improvement and Boosting Organisational Services to the Communities (MIBOS) is an NGO comprising a number of community groups in and around Kigoma, Tanzania. MIBOS undertakes and promotes development projects in health care, income generation, nutrition and capacity building...

HAQ: Centre For Child Rights

HAQ: Centre For Child Rights is a non-governmental organization which works towards the recognition, promotion and protection of rights of all children. It aims to look at the child in an integrated manner within the framework of the Constitution of India, and the UN Convention of the Rights of the...

ECLT Foundation (Eliminating ChildLabour in Tobacco-growing countries)

ECLT Foundation was launched in 2001 in Geneva and is a multi-stakeholder partnership of trade unions, growers and companies that helps vulnerable children in tobacco regions get a better chance in life. With the ILO as advisor, projects focus on three main areas of work: supporting field...

Seattle Against Slavery (SAS)

Seattle Against Slavery (SAS) is a grassroots coalition working to make a slave-free world, one city at a time. SAS fosters collaboration in the fight against human trafficking through education, advocacy, and mobilization. SAS serves as a link between passionate people wanting to get involved...

International Initiative to End Child Labor (IIECL)

The International Initiative on Exploitative Child Labor (IIECL), also commonly known as the International Initiative to End Child Labor, is a United States-based, not-for-profit organization, founded in 1998 and incorporated in 1999. Its mission is to eliminate the worst forms of child labor...

Looking unto Jesus Ministry

The Looking Unto Jesus Ministry is an NGO in Andrha Pradesh, India. In addition to its faith-based activities, the organisation cares for orphans and runs medical camps. The Minsitry is also planning to build a hostel for physically disadvanted people, and is already supporting five mentally and...

Network of Peace Movement (NOPM)

The Network of Peace Movement (NOPM) is a Kosovan NGO. The organisation promotes peace building and conflict resolution in order to develop and promote a peaceful, tolerant and democratic environment for all communities living in Kosovo. NOPM promotes civil society among young people by aiming to...

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Foundation

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Foundation is an organisation in Malaysia committed to serving the poor, the needy, the sick, the homeless and orphans. The Foundation is hoping to raise sufficient funds to build a clinic to provide for the medical needs of the people it cares for.


Tinada Youth Organization (TIYO) is nonprofit community based organization registered in 3/12/2001 as a youth group, then in later in 2014 promoted and registered as a community based organization to upscale and expand it’s program within the Lake Victoria region of Western Kenya. TINADA has been...

Kikumu Agriculture Research Centre

The Kikumu Agriculture Research Centre (KARK) is a women's organization in Kasese, Uganda. KARC promotes sustainable development through community education, and supports advocacy strategies relevant to marginalized rural women and slum communities. The organisation runs programmes including...

Rotary Club of Wickford

Rotary is a worldwide organisation of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. The Rotary Club of Wickford is working in conjunction with Hope and Aid Direct to...

Riabamura Community Development (RICODE)

Riabamura Community Development (RICODE) is a Kenyan NGO that works for orphans and vulnerable children. The organisation cares for children under the age of ten, helping them with their basic needs and providing for their education until they finish college. RICODE is currently looking for...

Bala Vikasa

Bala Vikasa Social Service Society is an Indian NGO in Andhra Pradesh. Bala Vikasa aims to help the poor to help themselves through capacity building in target communities through effective motivation, community organization, exposure, and training programmes. The organisation is currently ...