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Forum of Women for Accelerated Rural Development (FOWARD)

The Forum of Women for Accelerated Rural Development (FOWARD) is a Ugandan NGO that aims to link grassroots communities to services and opportunities and to build their capacity for collective action to address the challenges they face. FOWARD targets mainly women and children. Its programme...
Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness
The Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness (CEPDE) is a Liberian NGO which aims to promote peace, human rights and effective development for disadvantaged communities and populations in Liberia, West Africa. CEPDE offers policy advocacy and capacity building in the areas of community...
Hope for Teenage Mothers (HTM)

Hope for Teenage Mothers (HTM is a Kenyan NGO that helps girls who have become pregnant while teenagers. HTM runs projects in two Nairobi slums and is currently working on a project that includes building a school and providing accommodation for teenage mothers from the Maasai community.
Synergy Uganda

Synergy Uganda is focused on empowering and creating change within the country through a community based approach. The NGO offers support and assistance to communities throughout Eastern Uganda through a variety of skills training and education classes, literacy and basic business classes. Synergy...
Girl Child Network Sierra Leone

The Girl Child Network Sierra Leone is an NGO that supports and promotes empowerment of girls in the home, school and community and builds platforms to advance their rights and freedoms so that they reach their full potential. The Network's programmes deal with sexual abuse, gender based violence,...
Comfort Human Right Foundation

The Comfort Human Right Foundation (COHR Foundation) is a Nigerian NGO that aims to promote and protect the rights of women and children through services that will ensure access to justice and elimination of violence against them. The Foundation offers free legal assistance, conflict...
Namungoona Initiative for Sustainable Development

The Namungoona Initiative for Sustainable Development is a Ugandan NGO that works for people with disabilities and for women and children. The Initiative is also involved in advocacy and capacity building, water and sanitation projects, education and social development programmes.
Empower Women Youth and Children Project

The Empower Women, Youth and Children (EARN) Project is a Ugandan NGO that works on issues related to agriculture, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, environmental protection, gender and human rights advocacy. Target client groups are women and child-headed families in rural communities in Northern Uganda. ...
Manob Korma-Sohayok Foundation

Manob Korma-Sohayok Foundation (MKSF) is an NGO working with deprived and landless farm families in the Chittagong region, the southeastern coastal part of Bangladesh. MKSF assists farmers' group to develop sustainable livelihoods and social justice through capacity building and education. ...
Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development
Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development (IWNSUDE) is a Ugandan NGO that works on advocacy and capacity building programmes.
Peace through Education and Sports (PTEAS)

Peace through Education and Sports (PTEAS) is a religious NGO in Pakistan. The organization was established to contribute to peace building / peace keeping, civic activism, social harmony initiatives and alternative development approaches for underdeveloped communities.
Sampark Trust

The Sampark Trustis a social development consulting firm that aims to broker relationships between private enterprise, foundations and individuals and the non-profit sector in India. The range of services includes consulting and advisory, due diligence, monitoring and reporting, training and...
Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone

The Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone is a Christian charitable organization that aims to build communities through the creation of opportunities to improve living conditions. Projects focus on education, health, agriculture, skills training, relief, micro finance, sports, human...
Youth in Action Balochistan
Youth In Action Balochistan (YIAB) is an NGO in Pakistan. YIAB works on a range of interventions in education, health and hygiene, youth and women's empowerment, emergency response and preparedness, governance, legal aid and human rights. Activities include capacity building and service...
Save the Nature (STN)

Save the Nature (STN) is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to promote sustainable development in Balochistan through environmental conservation and management of natural resources. STN is involved in awareness raising and capacity building, helping communities to adopt farming practices that aid...
Shiloh Foundation

The Shiloh Foundation is a South African NGO that operates in partnership with communities in Johannesburg. The Foundation aims to improve lives through combating crime, fighting HIV/AIDS and running projects such as an ongoing feeding scheme. The Foundation is currently looking for funding to...
Association for Sustainable Development Livelihood Initiatives (SUSTAIN Cameroon)

The Association for Sustainable Development Livelihood Initiatives (SUSTAIN Cameroon) is an NGO that aims to bring about lasting and positive change to the country's most vulnerable people by helping them to acquire the education, skills and resources necessary to build secure and peaceful lives ...
Eglise Methodiste Libre de Guinée

The Free Methodist Church of Guinea (MLG) is an emerging branch of the Free Methodist Church of America. In addition to its faith-based activities, the Church aims to assist in building social infrastructure, including primary schools, training centres and hospitals, and to contribute to the...
Kwimba Women Development (KWIMBAWODE)

The Kwimba Women Development (KWIMBAWODE) is a Tanzanian NGO established in 2004 by a group of women who are determined to work for women's rights and an improved gender balance in society. The major activities of the organization include awareness raising on women’s rights, training women's...
Kawempe Youth Centre

Kawempe Youth Centre (KYC) is part of Uganda Community Libraries Association (UgCLA). The Centre runs programmes aimed at building literate communities. These programmes provide access to resources where there is no other meaningful access and thereby supports the information needs of...