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Barbados Humanitarian Customs Regulations

This document was submitted in response to a questionnaire distributed by Global Hand regarding humanitarian customs information. It provides regulations for importing humanitarian aid into Barbados.
Cook Islands humanitarian customs regulations

This document was submitted in response to a questionnaire distributed by Global Hand regarding humanitarian customs information. It provides regulations for importing humanitarian aid into Cook Islands.
UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Complementarities and Distinctive Contributions

The UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Complementarities and Distinctive Contributions, the world’s foremost comprehensive, voluntary corporate responsibility initiatives, are clarified in this document as to the complementarities and distinctive contributions...
Guidelines for the Donation of Medications (GNPPLUS)

The Global Network of People living with Aids (GNPPLUS) has produced this document, which lists guidelines for donations of medicines. It refers to legal issues relating to both donors and recipients. It recommends that drugs should appear on the national Essential Drug List, or if no list is...
Anti-Corruption Gateway for Europe and Eurasia

The Anti-Corruption Gateway is an online resource that serves as an easily accessible repository of anti-corruption project documentation, legislation and news. It also presents regional and international agreements and survey results from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union and has...
ELDIS maps

This website plots the Eldis research database entries on maps, using their RSS feeds Eldis maintain an ever-growing collection of editorially selected and abstracted full-text, online documents selected by our editors from more than 7,500 different publishers. All documents are available free...
European Union Humanitarian Aid Links

A page of links to EU documents on humanitarian aid. Contains over 60 documents showing the amount of aid that the EU has distributed to each country and describing the type of projects that the EU is involved in.
Importing, exporting and EC trade

This document contains information, mainly for commercial use, on import and export systems in the European Union (EU). It may be useful for humanitarian shipments, as it lists customs procedures and contacts details for customs authorities. Commercial regulations are applicable to humanitarian...
Gift-in-Kind Standards - Association of Evangelical Relief and Development Organisations

Gift-in-Kind Standards is a document produced by the Association of Evangelical Relief and Development Organisations that provides information about the valuation practices, required documentation, revenue & expense recognition, disclosures, and service fees in respect of gift-in-kind (GIK)...
Good practice in community based disaster risk management

This document presents good practices from the GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Programme, which envisages accelerating capacity development for disaster reduction at the national level and in some of the most-vulnerable regions in the country through community-based and gender sensitive...
Pakistan floods - July 2010

Heavy monsoon rains at the end of July triggered massive floods that rapidly moved southwards from Pakistan’s northwest, inundating hundreds of villages and claiming more than sixteen hundred lives. More than 14 million people have been affected, with countless others missing, whilst agriculture...
The engine of development: The private sector and prosperity for poor people
"The engine of development: The private sector and prosperity for poor people" is a paper publicated by Department for International Development (DFID) emphasizing the role of the private sector in its international development strategy.
Navigating the New World of Partnership

Recent years have seen radical change in the landscape of engagement between the corporate world and others battling issues of global concern. The invaluable role that business can play has increasingly been understood as partnership models have brought together corporations, governments,...

It is possible to give equipment that, while generous, is technologically inappropriate if, for example, it is of a sophistication that is unsuitable for use in the recipient's environment, or requiring technical support that is unavailable at the local level.

When goods sent are culturally inappropriate, it is possible to deepen the pain of those already struggling against hardship. Sensitivity is critical.

Climate affects aid choices at levels that are both more and less obvious. Equipment, foodstuffs and textiles are among issues where vulnerability may be an concern.

The ecological balance of an environment is delicate and can be disturbed with the donation of inappropriate fauna, seed, etc. It can also be damaged through inappropriate disposal of equipment, such as computers, with toxic parts.
Customs & Excise

Sometimes aid is sent without due care being given to customs and excise. This can result in border delays, demurrage fees and break of trust. Quality aid presupposes quality preparation.
Improved Funding Offering - January, 2004

Funding continues to remain the big issue for many of us as we look to the year ahead. So Global Hand has continued research, digging out further names of organisations that specialise in funding activities in the humanitarian arena.
Travel Guide - August, 2003

Having trouble flying to Botswana? Want to know the dialling code for Peru? Or looking for a visa for Uzbekistan? We can help!