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children Outreach Foundation

Children Outreach Foundation is a non governmental organization established in Florida – USA, seeking social transformation, empowerment and improvements in quality of the lives of the poor and needy children in the United states and in countries affected by natural disasters, wars and poverty...


Rural Movement Initiative (RUMI) is a community based organization founded in 2013 and officially registered as a CBO by the government of Uganda in August 2015, Registration No 3954. RUMI was founded by Mr. and Mrs. Byamukama Brian to respond to the needs of the vulnerable youth, children, women...

Fountain Of Hope

Fountain of Hope organisation was formed in 2011 but came into legal existence in 2014. It was established by a team of four people who had different skills, knowledge and capacity in general in order to reduce the challenges faced by rural small scale famers in Malawi who makes over 80% of the...

Prudent Global Development Initiative

Prudent Global Development Initiative is into all kinds of humanitarian services including but not limited to Capacity building, Youth Empowerment, Care for the less privileges, Human right protection, Jobs creation, Agriculture & Vocational Training, Infrastructural development, Gender...

Basket of Hope Charity organization for children and women in Liberia

The Basket of Hope Charity Organization for Children and Women in Liberia (Basket of Hope Liberia) is a Liberian National Non-governmental Organization NGO that is in search of International partnership and project implementation or charity donation for needed and vulnerable people in society. This...


Lokadrusti, a non profitable voluntary organization, was registered on 28th February 1988 under the Societies Registration Act-1860. Lokadrusti is committed to the fulfilment of its objectives. In the realisation of its goal Lokadrusti gets constant support from various national and...

Save One Life

Save One Life is a registered nonprofit international organization that offers individuals, families, companies and/or organizations the opportunity to sponsor a child or adult with a bleeding disorder in a developing country. Save One Life beneficiaries receive money directly from their sponsors,...

IHOPE Foundation (NGO)

IHOPE Foundation is a Kenyan National NGO registered with the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Board under (Reg.No:OP.218/051/14-0368/9714). IHOPE Foundation is working with under-privileged communities to improve rural health through responsive and innovative health programming, service...

Youth initiative for Social economic Development

Youth Initiative for Socio Economic Development (YISED) is a local and not-for-profit organization that exists to help youth and women of South Sudan to improve their quality of social and economic life through different activities. YISED is the only local organization intending to promote life...

Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE)

Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE) is a voluntary and charity, non-partisan and non-government organization formed on the basis of helping the poor, vulnerable communities, orphans, women and the general community and population in Uganda. It gives support in form of...

Amis des Étrangers au Togo: ADET

ADET mission is social development, economic development and environnemental development. These are the three pillars of the sustainable development. NGO: ADET is one of those who innovated the SDGs. The strength of ADET are : ADET was the only one organisation the UN identified for the...

Clips Centre Community Based organization

Clips centre is a registered community based organization in Kenya with a vision for a just and empowered youth. The organization's mission is to socio-economically empower vulnerable youth through vocational and entrepreneurship training, capacity building, lobbying and advocacy. Beneficiaries are...

Zidan Benevolence International

Zidan Benevolence International is a local community based organization that works to fight against pediatric HIV and AIDS, and operates in Buikwe district to provide HIV prevention, care and treatment services for women, children, and families. In order to achieve the mission, Zidan Benevolence...

Crusaders for Environmental protection and ozone watch

Crusaders for Environmental protection and ozone watch is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit making organization. The organization's goal is to build on the theory of change, through healthier / sustainable solutions on uprising environmental issues. They focus on adaptation and...

Kapo Seba Sangha KSS

Kapo Seba Sangha KSS has been registered statutorily with Directorate of social welfare department and NGO Affairs Bureau People’s republic of Bangladesh as a local community-based social welfare government registered development voluntary organization. The NGO was formed to serve the...

Ethiopian Guenet Church, ADDIS ABABA Regional Church Office

The Ethiopian Guenet church was founded by two Finland missionaries called Mr.San Frid Mattson and Anna-Lisa Mattson in 1951 G.C. After a service of 25 Years, the Addis Ababa Gunet church was founded in the year 1976 G.C and had a 42 years history of service. The church has currently 35 independent...

Hope for life Agency

Hope for life Agency is corrective training agency. The agency's fundamental concern is treatment and social reintegration of juvenile crime and help youth offenders every day for life investment for eternity. Hope for life Agency (HFLA) registered on 21st November, 2017 is a youth-led...

Centre for Public Health

Center for Public Health is a not for profit organization registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). It has a tax exemption certification from Federal in Land Revenue Services (FIRS). The organization was initially founded at the college of medicine at the University of Nigeria Enugu...

Abibinsroma Foundation

AbibiNsroma Foundation (ANF), is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation, (REG CG024162020, DSW 2525), established in 2019 in Tema, Ghana, and committed to identifying, promoting and empowering grassroots to develop innovative solutions for the developmental challenges in Ghana and Africa. ...

Legacy Road Safety Initiative (LRSI)

Legacy Road Safety Initiative (LRSI ) is non-profit organisation championing safety measures on our roads and communities through use of IT, advocacy, training and research. Mission "To work with government and other stake holders to promote road safety standards by educating road users,...