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Importing, exporting and EC trade
This document contains information, mainly for commercial use, on import and export systems in the European Union (EU). It may be useful for humanitarian shipments, as it lists customs procedures and contacts details for customs authorities. Commercial regulations are applicable to humanitarian...
Publications on PPPs and Inclusive Business
Many agencies are working to build a vibrant private sector, and to partner with business for development goals. But donor coordination is only possible if agencies share a ‘world view’ on how to do this most effectively. The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) works to build that...
UNICEF - Lithuania page
This United Nations organisation provides the latest statistical data on Lithuania, giving indicators of the current poverty situation in the country. Statistics are given under topics such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United...
UNICEF - Finland page
This United Nations organisation provides the latest statistical data on Finland, giving indicators of the current poverty situation in the country. Statistics are given under topics such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United...
UNICEF - Hungary page
This United Nations organisation provides the latest statistical data on Hungary, giving indicators of the current poverty situation in the country. Statistics are given under topics such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United...
UNICEF - Ireland page
This United Nations organisation provides the latest statistical data on Ireland, giving indicators of the current poverty situation in the country. Statistics are given under topics such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United...
Information on Tax Exemption, Bulgaria
This document, from the National Customs Agency in Bulgaria, lists requirements for importing goods duty-free, the types of goods that can be imported, and also lists which organisations and individuals can import such goods.
European Commission - CSR
The European Commission provides information on CSR on its Enterprise and Industry site.
Business Link - Corporate Social Responsibility
Business Link is the UK government's online resource for businesses.
Virtual library on international development - Romania page
A collection of links to international development resources on the internet, including development statistics and related documents.
BBC Action Network
The Action Network is a place for UK citizens to address issues that concern them and to make contact with like-minded individuals.
University of Texas Map Library - Czech Republic page
A large database of maps from around the world, with many links to maps on other sites. Has political, relief and city maps for the Czech Republic. Other relevant maps include political and transport maps for Europe and time-zone maps.
Alertnet - Czech Republic page
Disaster relief website with information about the Czech Republic, including facts on the climate, population, language and ethnic groups. Also has a political profile, detailed information on the communication and transportation infrastructure, and human development and economic statistics.
Alertnet - Bulgaria page
Disaster relief website with information about Bulgaria, including facts on the climate, population, language and ethnic groups. Also has a political profile, detailed information on the communication and transportation infrastructure, and human development and economic statistics.
MSF Top-Ten under-reported humanitarian stories for 2002
Compiled through the MSF-USA office, this annual list has been distributed internationally by MSF since 1998. Each year the organisation details key humanitarian issues that have been overlooked by media. Here are the top ten stories from 2002.
Meeting poor people’s needs for access to medicines through responsible business practices
The pharmaceutical industry is increasingly looking to the potentially huge markets within emerging economies. Yet, poor people who live in these countries still desperately lack affordable and appropriate medicines. This paper argues that the industry must put access to medicines at the heart of...
Logistics & Transportation Corporate Citizenship Initiative
Logistics&Transportation Corporate Citizenship Initiative reviews the work done in pursuit of the organisation's goal of "proactively contributing towards sustainable development" and includes a forward plan for the next five years. It discusses progress made on the following deliverables:...
LDC Poverty Alleviation and the Doha Development Agenda: Is Tourism being Neglected?
LDC Poverty Alleviation and the Doha Development Agenda: Is Tourism being Neglected?, a WTO Staff Working Paper, does not deny the importance of agriculture or other LDC and developing country trade issues, but rather enquires; should the poverty alleviation potential of tourism now become a...