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GLIDE Codes for Disaster Identification

GLIDE Codes for Disaster Identification provides a means by which data regarding natural and human disasters is collected and monitored by the Emergency and Disaster Information Services of the National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications of Budapest, Hungary. GLIDE...
Taxman International Gateway to Tax and Customs Administrations on the Internet

Taxman International provides an extensive country-by-country list of government tax and customs websites. Some of these sites have information on regulations relating to humanitarian aid, and contact details for further queries.
Trade and Poverty: Is There a Connection?

Trade and Poverty: Is There a Connection?, a research based article produced for the World Trade Organisation, discusses if there is a connection between trade and poverty. Openness and trade liberalisation are now seen by many as key components of the national policy policy required for economic...
Drug & Medical Supplies Donation Guidelines

Drug&Medical Supplies Donation Guidelines site provides information on good drug and medical supplies donation practices, and for the safe disposal of unwanted drugs.
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office site is aimed at British citizens and provides particularly useful information / advice such as visa requirements, health and other issues for travel to countries worldwide. Country-by-country guides are provided.
World Health Organization (WHO) Conference on the Health Aspects of the Tsunami Disaster in Asia

The WHO Conference on the Health Aspects of the Tsunami Disaster in Asia - convened at senior policy and expert practitioner level - focused on the lessons learnt in the health sector response to tsunami crisis response and the early phase of recovery. This event took place in Thailand May 2005....
District Administration - Blagoevgrad

The District Administration of Blagoevgrad, one of the 28 regions of Bulgaria, provides a wide range of services for the public, including issues of inter- municipality importance, safety, and information about the region.
ReliefWeb - Togo

A UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. Includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Togo. It provides the latest updates about the country and its humanitarian situation.
Magic Bank Case Studies A-Z Index

The MAGIC website is UNICEF's (United Nations Children's Fund) response to the Oslo Challenge of 1999, which called on media professionals, educators, governments, organisations, parents, children and young people themselves to recognise the enormous potential of media to make the world a better...
Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS)

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) provides near real-time alerts about natural and technological disasters around the world and tools to facilitate relief coordination, including news, maps and the Virtual On-Site Operations Coordination Center. Disaster profiles include...
Funders Online

Funders Online, a website operated from the European Foundation Centre, provides a directory specialised in indexing independent European funder websites and main fields of activity. The website also provides access to philanthropic information and resources available on the Internet.
Iraq Information

Iraq Information website is maintained by Eldis, one of a family of knowledge services from the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex (UK), and contains a country profile on Iraq. The website has sections on maps, government bodies listing, poverty, trade, economics, aid and food security.
Lonely Planet Destinations

Lonely Planet Destinations is famous for its travel book series. This website has a country-by-country travel guide which gives essential information for travellers, such as a basic introduction to the country, useful facts, advice on when to go, and internal and international travel information.