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Agro Developers

Agro Developers is a Cameroonian NGO whose aim is to encourage farmers to move to organic farming methods instead of using chemicals. The founding members of the organisation comprise agricultural technicians ,agro-economists and community development experts who are involved in capacity building...
NGO Connect

Shakti brings out NGO Connect, which is probably India's first periodical which concentrates only on non-profit NGO news. The newsletter gives information about the work of myriad NGOs in various fields. It covers all major areas like HIV/AIDS, health, corporate social responsibility, etc and also...
World Business and Development Awards

Established by the International Chamber of Commerce in 2000, the biennial World Business and Development Awards (WBDA) are the first worldwide business awards to recognize the crucial role of the private sector, large and small, in implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Guide to corporate human rights impact assessment tools

This publication presents an overview of the existing Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) tools for business. It is intended to assist business managers of (multinational) corporations and their stakeholders to find their way in the world of Human Rights Impact Assessments, and provides advice...
Young Volunteers for the Environment (YVE)

Young Volunteers for the Environment (YVE) is a Togolese NGO that aims to educate, empower and support the youth of Togo, in order to involve them in sustainable development and thus to improve their lives in the future. The organisation is involved in a range of educational projects in schools,...
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) works with its global network of more than 250 member companies to develop sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration. BSR leverages its expertise in environment, human rights, economic...
Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia (CSR Asia)

Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia (CSR Asia) is the leading provider of information, training, research and consultancy services on sustainable business practices in Asia. CSR Asia builds capacity and promotes awareness of corporate social responsibility in order to advance sustainable...

The STEER Foundation (Social Development, Technology, Environment, Education and Research&Releases Foundation) is an Indian NGO established in 1994. STEER works with and through young people to promote innovation and the advancement of knowledge for development. STEER has run literacy projects...
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a CEO-led, global association of some 200 companies dealing exclusively with business and sustainable development. The Council provides a platform for companies to explore sustainable development, share knowledge, experiences and best...

CorporateRegister.com is an online global directory of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) resources. The site resources include the CSR Report Directory of company-issued CSR, sustainability, and environment reports from around the world, ReportingPartners Directory covering thousands of CSR...
Maala – Business for Social Responsibility

Maala – Business for Social Responsibility, a non-profit membership organisation, is Israel’s leading advocate on corporate values and citizenship. Maala serves as an advocate, consultant, educator and facilitator, encouraging corporations to identify opportunities for community involvement,...
Forum Empresa

Forum Empresa, an alliance of CSR-based business organisations, promotes corporate social responsibility (CSR) throughout the Americas. Forum Empresa also brings together CSR-based organisations and associated companies that share the same vision of promoting CSR in the Americas. It provides...
Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu (FOB)

Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu (FOB) is the first nongovernmental organisation in Poland to provide in-depth focus on the concept of corporate social responsibility. FOB focuses its activity upon: helping businesses develop their social responsibility; building business coalitions that focuses on...
Singapore Compact for Corporate Social Responsibility

Singapore Compact for Corporate Social Responsibility is a national society which provides a multi-stakeholder platform for collaboration, in developing coordinated and effective strategies to promote CSR policies and practices in Singapore. This is done through ongoing dialogues, training,...
Acción RSE

Acción RSE is a non profit member company organisation created by the private sector to promote Corporate Social Responsibility practices in Chile. Acción RSE has five main businss- oriented action areas, which are ethics and corporate governance, workplace, environment, supply chain, and...
respACT - Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development

respACT - Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development is the leading platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development in Austria. This association emerged from the fusion of the Austrian Business council for Sustainable Development (ABCSD) and respACT...
Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR)

Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR) is a non-profit, member-led organisation that mobilises Canadian companies to make powerful business decisions that improve performance and contribute to a better world. The globally-recognised source for corporate social responsibility in Canada,...
Instituto Argentino de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria (IARSE)

Instituto Argentino de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria (IARSE) is a private, non-profit organisation with a national scope and strong ties with similar organisations in Latin America and around the world. IARSE has developed a membership system, orientated to companies committed with CSR and...
Unternehmen: Partner der Jugend e.V. (UPJ)

Unternehmen: Partner der Jugend e.V. (UPJ) combines 19 regional and local intermediary organisations and more than 60 companies in order to promote Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Social Responsibility in Germany. UPF aims at fostering long-term co-operation between businesses, community...
AIDS Orphans Education Trust (AOET)

Action for Empowerment (AOET) is an American non-governmental organisation (NGO) with offices in Uganda, Kenya and Zambia. AOET provides formal and vocational education to street orphans whose parents have died of AIDS and places these orphans into foster families. It also provides scholarships and...