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Streamlined disaster policy improves customer safety

Tokyo Gas supplies natural gas to customers throughout Japan. Tokyo Gas has developed clear guidelines for earthquake preparedness in key phases - prevention policies, emergency policies, and restoration policies.
France Loisirs Suisse distributed advertisements for Terre des Hommes to its customers.

The leading West-Swiss Book and Culture Club, France Loisirs Suisse, permits Terre des Hommes to include its appeals in their parcels to customers, thus offering a channel of private distribution.
Bucher AG Langenthal, Motorex-Schmiertechnik supports Terre des Hommes through programs for its staff and customers.

The Swiss raw-oil processing company, Bucher AG Langenthal, Motorex-Schmiertechnik, founded in 1917 and based in Langenthal, supports Terre des Hommes through programs for its staff and customers.
Nau works with Mercy Corps in its "Partner for Change" programme

Mercy Corps have been selected by Nau for its "Partner for Change" program, which means that whenever a customer makes a purchase, they donate 2 percent of the sale to Mercy Corps and other nonprofit Partners for Change.
SELCO makes solar-lighting accessible to poor families in India

SELCO India is a Bangalore‐based social enterprise that makes solar lighting technology accessible to economically impoverished people in India.
Western Union takes microfinance route for rural spread

In 2009, money transfer company, Western Union, tied up with microfinance institutions (MFIs) and e-governance service providers to facilitate financial inclusion in India.
The Evolution of Starbucks’ Strategic International Corporate Volunteering Programme
The evolution of Starbucks’ programme is an instructive case study for corporations seeking to migrate their International Corporate Volunteering (ICV) effort from general business impact to a more strategic approach. While Starbucks’ overall ICV strategy is still being developed, in a short...
HSBC and Bandhan help family to purchase rickshaws

Shukla's husband was a rickshaw puller. He rented a rickshaw for 25 to 30 rupees per day and earned around 2,200 rupees per month. After learning about microfinance loans provided by Bandhan, a microfinance institution, Shukla approached them for a loan of 5,000 rupees which she received.
HSBC partners with MDMSB, a microfinance institute in India

The Mann Deshi Mahila Sahakari Bank (MDMSB), a microfinance institution (MFI) based in the Indian city of Mhaswad, partnered with HSBC to enhance banking strategies and financial support.
Anglian Water supports WaterAid's work by fundraising and employee volunteering

Anglian Water is an important partner for WaterAid and is committed to providing support in a variety of ways.
Walmart unveils eco-friendly products, mobilizes workforce in partnerships with NGOs

Walmart celebrated global Earth Month by demonstrating its commitment to a greener environment around the world. Walmart will unveil a number of earth friendly products, partner with local governments and NGOs, sponsor community activities and engage its 2.2 million associates worldwide to promote...
Using Microcredit Loans to Help to Lift the Poor Out of Poverty
Many institutions around the world are turning to microfinance both as a strategy to help lift the poor out of the poverty trap and to make a decent return on investment.
TOMS Shoes: One for One Movement

TOMS Shoes is a for-profit business with a philanthropic component. TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: With every pair purchased, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.
A Little World: Facilitating Safe and Efficient M-Banking in Rural India
A Little World (ALW)is an Indian company facilitating safe and efficient mobile-banking in rural India by offering a secure, low‐cost technology driven delivery platform for financial services through special mobile phones.
Partnerships allow Rural Finance Corporation to promote rural development in Moldova

Rural Finance Corporation (RFC) is a non-bank for-profit financial institution that has been functioning on the financial market of the Republic of Moldova for 10 years. Its mission is to directly take action against poverty in Moldova and promote rural development, offering favorable financial...
Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts: Crafting a Brighter Tomorrow for Disavantaged Women and Minorities in Vietnam

Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts (MVH) is a small and successful business, founded in 1990 by two passionate and energetic women. Building on the belief that social development is intricately tied to economic self‐reliance, Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts reaches out to artisans in underdeveloped areas and...
LUSH lends its support to National Refugee Week 2009

Shoppers at cosmetics store LUSH have passed on their messages of support onto people seeking asylum and refugees as the high street chain marked national Refugee Week 2009. LUSH, which teamed up with Refugee Action for the second time to mark the annual celebrations, donated bars of LUSH soap. The...
IHOP restaurants helping children one breakfast at a time

On National Pancake Day, IHOP restaurants across Oklahoma have been providing a free short stack of pancakes to customers in return for donations to raise money in support of the international non-profit organization, Feed The Children.
Body Shop partners with Women's Aid to prevent domestic violence

Women’s Aid have been working in partnership with The Body Shop since 2004, as part of their long-running ‘Stop Violence in the Home’ Campaign. The Campaign aims to raise funds to develop projects that tackle the problem of domestic violence, and promote awareness of the issue amongst Body Shop...
Eastman Kodak and The Nature Conservancy partner on an innovative program to learn about local needs in China

Since 2001, Eastman Kodak has partnered with The Nature Conservancy on an innovative program that provides cameras and film to remote villagers in order to learn about local needs in southwestern China. Called Photovoice, the project is an integral part of The Nature Conservancy's effort with local...