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Customs - Afghanistan, Cuba & Iran - February, 2004

Global Hand has sought to help ease logistics challenges by providing information from countries about their customs requirements. For several reasons, the process of gathering this information is difficult...
Humanitarian Customs Information - November, 2003

Global Hand's customs guide for humanitarian aid, listing over 130 countries, with the balance under research.
Iraq Customs - May, 2003

Global Hand has continued to expand the humanitarian customs guide; it now has information on over 130 countries.
Customs Information for the Tsunami Affected Countries - March, 2005

Important changes to tax exemption laws.
Trade, Aid or Traid? Getting it right with the private sector - May, 2008

We are regularly being asked to broaden Global Hand's services. While retaining our traditional 'matching' activity, many have enquired if Global Hand can support the wider engagement between for-profit and non-profit entities in today's landscape of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and...
Iraq Update - July, 2003

A digest of the information available on Iraq in Global Hand's REACT section.