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Poultry innovation platform (entrepreneurship)

RIU Tanzania is building up a programme of poultry-related activities in partnership with a range of private sector organisations. The programme is seeking to develop agri-business entrepreneurship capacity through poultry farming for sustainable income generation and enterprise development in the...
Piloting innovative social assessment in a Colombian oil field

In 2005, Occidental Andina, LLC, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation (Oxy) collaborated with Ecopetrol S.A., a Colombian state oil company, and International Alert, a London-based conflict resolution and peace building NGO, to develop a socially responsible enhanced oil recovery...
Private Sector Supply-Chains Incorporating Social Enterprises

Some big businesses are currently active in the social business and enterprise sector using their skills to help entrepreneurs improve their business skills.
Freshfields law firm provides pro bono services and personnel to social service NGOs in London

The Freshfields access to justice programme is most active in London, where they support legal advice centres, including the drop-in centre at Tower Hamlets; many of their partners have volunteered there. These volunteers have also represented clients from the Free Representation Unit appearing...
Grameen Danone creates a social dairy business enterprise in Bangladesh

Grameen Danone Foods, popularly known as "Grameen Danone" is a social business enterprise which, launched in 2006, has been designed to provide children with many of the key nutrients that are typically missing from their diet in rural Bangladesh.
Lex Mundi Legal Services Allows Social Entrepreneurs To Use Their Top-class Legal Expertise Pro Bono

The Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation calls upon Lex Mundi's unique global network of 160 top tier business law firms to provide legal assistance to 'social entrepreneurs' on a pro bono basis. By providing social entrepreneurs with access to critically needed legal assistance, the foundation joins the...
Sainsbury's assisted a charity gardening enterprise

Sainsbury’s was one of the few companies which supported Mow & Grow when it was a tiny voluntary group. Its funding in the early days ensured its survival of this social enterprise offering a gardening and horticultural service to those in need.
The Veolia Foundation helps to save jobs for people with disabilities

The Veolia Environnement Foundation is sharing in the costs of refurnishing the premises of ESAT (établissement ou Service d’Aide par le Travail) an organisation run by the French NGO, CPRH.
Venture capital for low-income markets in Latin America and the Caribbean

Investing in housing, healthcare, education, basic utilities and nutrition can not only fulfill a social mission, but can also be a profitable business venture.
TEDCOR fosters urban renewal in the local community

Tedcor is an innovative and enterprising waste management company based in South Africa that offers integrated solutions for the collection, recovery and disposal of waste. Tedcor has been in the market for 12 years, working in close partnership with local communities to promote a clean healthy...
Gap Inc. and the Door launched a programme to provide job training for underprivileged youth

In 2006, Gap Inc. partnered with "The Door", a New-York City non-profit, to launch a joint job training and internship program for under-served youth. Since then, more than 1,000 youth have participated in the training and it has expanded to additional cities in the U.S.
DFID plans to support development in fragile states
The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) has announced plans to support development in a number of fragile and unstable states, including Afghanistan, Somalia and the Congo. These plans support the Millennium Development Goals.
Timberland partners with Verite to incorporate a Code of Conduct into supplier's internal management system.

Timberland partners with Verite, an independent nonprofit social auditing, training, and research organization, to ensure that working conditions around the world are fair, legal and safe.
Text 100 expands its CSR Partnership with TechnoServe

Text 100, a global public relations agency, is engaged in a pilot employee volunteer programme with TechnoServe, a global NGO, which benefits thousands of entrepreneurial men and women in developing countries each year.
Ernst & Young (E&Y) helps to improve social conditions in the developing world

Through the Corporate Responsibility Fellows program, Ernst & Young is dedicating its best resources - talented, experienced people - to improving the success of promising entrepreneurs in underserved communities, to help create scalable sustainable economic value.
Natura beauty productsenefit Colombia's lowest social class and recycle tonnes of waste

Natura is a Brazilian organization operating for 40 years with a portfolio of 800 cosmetics, perfume and personal hygiene products. The company has adopted a direct sale scheme as its unique distribution channel.
SEKEM: A Holistic Egyptian Initiative

After living in Austria for 21 years, Ibrahim Abouleish returned home to Egypt to do something about the difficulties he observed during visits. In 1977, he founded the Sekem initiative to promote social and environmental development through economic and cultural activities.
Haygrove establishes Gambia is Good to market fresh produce

Gambia is Good is a fresh produce marketing company which was conceived as a partnership between Haygrove Limited and Concern Universal, a leading development charity, with the purpose of linking small scale rural producers with the high value tourist market.
Cisco partners with Grameen Solutions in Bangladesh

Cisco partners with Grameen Solutions to establish business centers in rural Bangladesh that serve as distribution points for a variety of services, such as birth and death certificates, healthcare, distance learning, and retail sales of such necessities as hybrid seeds.
Micro-credit project for Darfur refugees

The Pilot Light Foundation, an organisation that creates and supports small projects in Africa that have the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for impoverished Africans in non urban areas, and the Sudan Self Help Foundation, an NGO that supports projects aimed at promoting...