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Directory & Search Engine Of The World's Embassies & Consulates

This website provides contact details of embassies and consulates around the world, and allows these embassies to be sorted by host country, or by the nation represented.
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) - TRAINS (TRade Analysis and INformation System) - Tanzania page

The TRAINS country notes summarise the trade control measures, tariffs and other import regulations.
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are recommendations addressed by governments to multinational enterprises operating in or from adhering countries. They provide voluntary principles and standards for responsible business conduct in a variety of areas including employment and industrial...
The Impact of the second-hand clothing trade on developing countries

Supporters of the second-hand clothing (SHC) industry point out that the trade creates employment in the receiving countries (transporting, cleaning, repairing, restyling, etc.). It also provides low-cost clothing for people living in poverty. There are concerns that the trade may be undermining...
Madagascar Ministère de l'économie, des finances et du budget (MEFB)

The Madagaskar Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Budgeting is a government department responsible for financial services, including taxation and customs.
UNOCHA Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Since its establishment in 2005, OCHA’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) has sought to minimise the vulnerability of populations in the region to humanitarian crises. ROAP has provided support and assistance to governments, UN agencies, NGOs and other humanitarian actors in response...
Customs Authorities - Webpages

Customs Authorities - Webpages, by Jetta Express, provides links to those countries which have customs authorities webpages.
Food Aid Logistics Operational Handbook

Food Aid Logistics Operational Handbook, produced by the Commodity Management Enhancement Project, is designed to provide logistics managers and NGO program staff with basic information and guidance in planning and establishing a supply chain to deliver food aid. The focus of this handbook is...
UNHCR Commodity Distribution Guide

UNHCR Commodity Distribution Guide provides a framework for making decisions about distribution systems for the UNHCR the field staff and operational partners,. The guide covers systems for the distribution of both food and non-food items, with an emphasis upon food distribution systems.
Make Poverty Business: Increase Profits and Reduce Risks by Engaging with the Poor

Make Poverty Business: Increase Profits and Reduce Risks by Engaging with the Poor (2006) is a book by Craig Wilson and Peter Wilson that sets out to provide a blueprint for on-the-ground managers of multinational corporations to create sustainable profits and reduce country risk by helping...
Guidelines on Medical Equipment Donation

The Guidelines on Medical Equipment Donation is a publication of the Pharmaceutical Programme of World Council of Churches (WCC) & Community Initiatives Support Services (CISS). It is a guide for those accepting and making donations of, or planning to buy, medical equipment.
Turkmenistan map page

A United Nations map resource, with a general map of Turkmenistan, and maps of Central Asia.
European Foundation Centre Principles of Good Practice

The European Foundation Centre (EFC) Principles of Good Practice represent a shared vision of good practices and constitute a general recommendation to reinforce good practice, openness and transparency in the European foundation community. As such, they are intended to be of application both...
Being Good at Doing Good? - Review of Debates and Initiatives Concerning the Quality of Humanitarian Assistance

Being Good at Doing Good, a conference paper, attempts to do justice to the diversity among humanitarian organisations and individuals. Issues discussed include approaches to the quality of humanitarian assistance, the use of standards, methods to enhance quality and accountability and...
Global Connections

Global Connections is a networking resource site that provides a spectrum of services assisting individuals and groups in missions. This website includes a large directory of member organisations along with a Code of Best Practice to encourage high standards in short-term missions.
Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response 2018 edition

Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, a 2018 revised handbook of The Sphere Project, sets out minimum standards for four sectors: water, sanitation, and hygiene promotion; food security and nutrition; shelter, settlement and non-food items; and health action.
Business and Poverty:Bridging the gap

Business and Poverty: Bridging the gap, a report produced for the Resource Centre,an initiative of a number of UK business partners, addresses the issues involved in a comprehensive approach to poverty elimination in which the public, private and voluntary sectors work together to attack the...
ReliefWeb - Togo

A UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. Includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Togo. It provides the latest updates about the country and its humanitarian situation.
Useful Information and Resources for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in Tunisia

This site provides news, information and resources regarding environmental protection and sustainable development in Tunisia. In particular, this link provides other useful organisations and links relating to Tunisia's environment and development, with links to other governmental and...
Making Agricultural Trade Reform Work for the Poor

Making Agricultural Trade Reform Work for the Poor, a position paper of the International Food&Agricultural Trade Policy Council (IPC), brings together what is known about the link between agricultural trade reform and poverty alleviation, and about how developing countries can successfully...