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Youth With A Mission (YWAM) - Singapore

Youth With A Mission (YWAM), founded in 1960, is an international interdenominational Christian organisation, operating in more than 900 locations in over 140 countries, with a staff of over 11,000. YWAM aims to spread the love of God through helping with the practical and physical needs of people...
AID Transparency (AT)

AID Transparency (AT) is a regional non-governmental organization based in Dakar, Senegal. It was created in response to the overwhelming need for improved governance and development delivery services. It's mission is to seek innovative ways for tackling development issues, strategies and...
Esquel Foundation (EGF)

The Esquel Foundation (EGF) is a non-profit, private foundation and a member of the Grupo Esquel network. EGF promotes policies and programs for social equity and sustainable development with special emphasis in the strengthening of civil society primarily in Latin America.
Rotary Club Niamey Croix du Sud

Rotary Club Niamey Croix du Sud is an organisation of business and professional leaders based in Niger who work to help poor and vulnerable people in the country. As part of District 9100, the club sponsors projects designed to improve health, education and development of children and their...
Caritas Internationalis - Cote-d'lvoire

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world. Caritas works without regard to creed, race, gender, or ethnicity. It provides a beacon of hope for tens of millions of women, men and children in times...
Taiwan IHA (International Health Action)

Taiwan IHA is a Taiwanese governmental organisation that assists developing nations with their everyday medical and health needs, and provides timely humanitarian aid anywhere in the world when disasters occur.
Dyncorp International

DynCorp International is an American logistics company that provides services governments and commercial industry worldwide. In particular, the company provides support,including security and protection, to military and civilian government institutions in countries such as Bosnia, Iraq and...

GuluWalk started as a campaign in support of war-affected youth in northern Uganda. GuluWalk has grown into an international movement for peace, and lives on today through the work of its parent-charity, Athletes for Africa.
Toward Freedom

Toward Freedomn(TF) is an organisation with a progressive perspective on world events. TF envisions a world ethic that honours the human spirit and the right of individuals to freedom of thought and creativity; advances movements for human rights, peace, justice, enlightenment, and freedom from...
Volunteering Australia

Volunteering Australia is the national body working to advance volunteering in the Australian community. Its role is to represent the diverse views and needs of the volunteer sector while promoting the activity of volunteering as one of enduring social, cultural and economic value.
Computer Aid International

Computer Aid International is a non-profit supplier of computers for use in educational and other non-profit organisations in developing countries. The organisation's aim is to increase computer donations for re-use overseas, and to work with organisations in recipient countries to assist them to...
Accountability Institute South Africa (AISA)

The Accountability Institute South Africa (AISA) promotes the concept and practice of non-financial accountability through the design, development and continuous improvement of appropriate performance management systems in all public, private and non-profit South African organisations and...
Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development (BFSD)

The Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development (BFSD) is an international network of grant-providing institutions striving to attain environmental balance, economic stability and social progress. The Forum brings together individuals from foundations and businesses to build trust, dialogue and...
National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)

The National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) is a voluntary nonprofit membership organisation committed to leading, developing, and advocating for women of African descent as they support their families and communities. NCNW fulfills this purpose through research, advocacy, and national and...

OneOC is a resource centre for nonprofit organisations, businesses and individuals interested in volunteerism as an approach to community development. It connects individuals with nonprofits and offers training, consulting and business services.
Bring Me A Book® Foundation
The Bring Me A Book® Foundation (BMAB), an award winning literacy nonprofit, was founded to serve children who do not have access to quality books and who are not read aloud to on a regular basis. BMAB provide libraries of quality, hardback children’s books and read aloud training to over 181,000...
Habitat for Humanity - South Africa (HFHSA)

Habitat for Humanity South Africa (HFHSA) works in partnership with communities to help address their housing needs. HFHSA considers such factors as the level of need for housing in the community, support of local leadership and community stability. HFHSA currently works in three regions across...
COVER (Corps of Volunteers Effecting Repair)

COVER Home Repair works together with homeowners and volunteers to provide urgently needed home repair that keeps the inhabitants warm safe and dry. COVER offers a weatherization program empowering homeowners and volunteers with knowledge and supplies to button up homes and reduce fuel/energy...
Mercy Corps - Niger

Mercy Corps is an NGO working as an international humanitarian agency involved in emergency relief, sustainable community development and assistance to communities recovering from disaster. In Niger, Mercy Corps works in rural and urban communities to promote health and nutrition, food security,...
Save the Children - Niger

Save the Children is an international humanitarian NGO working for the rights of children worldwide. The organisation works through long term programmes aimed at improving the lives of children and their families. Save the Children has been working in Niger since 2005 to help alleviate the effects...