A Global Hand for Tsunami Victims - April, 2005

Companies reach out to offer goods to those affected.

“Is it true that Global Hand allows the donation of goods?”

The question was asked, repeatedly, during the height of the tsunami activity. It came from a place of frustration. Many corporations were refused when they tried to donate product to help people in need, but found charities often accept money only.

Global Hand is grateful that, as a result, charitable bodies such as the DEC, Oxfam, UNICEF, UNHCR, SCF and others referred donors to Global Hand, if they were offered goods they could not use. They are continuing this practice.

What kinds of goods? They included:

  • Household items: AA batteries, coffee mugs, plastic cutlery, candles
  • Clothing and textiles: t-shirts, polo shirts, items for women and children, including Islamic style clothing, boots, flip flops/sandals, disposable boiler suits, linen, fabric for carpet making
  • Computer equipment: networking switches
  • Furniture: office furniture and equipment, educational furniture and supplies, including furniture for children with special needs
  • Medical equipment and supplies: hydraulic hospital beds, hospital cots, dental equipment, water purification tablets, face masks, soap, vitamins, calcium tablets, medical drugs, hospital supplies, hygiene kits
  • Food and beverages: bottled water, rice, tinned foods
  • Books: educational texts and journals
  • Toys and stationery: assorted toys, craft and stationery supplies
  • Transportation: airboats for search and rescue
  • Industrial equipment and machinery: commercial dishwashers and cooking equipment, electricalcable, generators, water tanks, water treatment plant, hand tools
  • Construction materials: vinyl flooring, prefabricated structures, polymer admixture

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