This offer is no longer available to non-profit organisations.

Supporting Children through Graphics design and Creativity

General information

Overall description

We are ready to design anything for an African organization in the line of supporting children. We design Brochures, Posters, Awareness T-shirts among others. Those interested please provide the details of the artwork.


Offer available for 1 year (up to December 2020)

Partnership types

Advocacy of global issues; Provision of services / personnel

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Human rights; Labour conditions

Services / personnel details

Services / personnel description

African organizations working with Children

Type(s) of services / personnel

Media and PR

One off or ongoing partnership

I may do both.


This offer requires no payment.

Organisation details

Organisation name

Omuto Foundation

Business sector(s)

Accounting and management services; Advocacy and legal services; Agriculture all (24)

Annual turnover (US$)

Less than 500,000

Contact details

Only verified non-profit organisations who have exchanged contact details may view this.


  • Contact details exchanged
    04 Jan 2020 06:30 GMT

    Hope Children's Centre Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Hope Children's Centre says: We are very interested in this offer what should we provide to you as Hope Children's Centre HOCCE an educational institution for orphans vulnerable and children from low income earners families in Uganda

  • Contact details exchanged
    05 Jan 2020 06:42 GMT

    Guildance Community Development Foundation Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Adisa Kabiru Adeniyi says: Guildance Community Development Foundation is interested in this offer of Supporting Children through Graphics design and Creativity. We have been working in the area of orphans and vulnerable children in Nigeria. Designing in the line of supporting children like design of Brochures, Posters, Awareness T-shirts among others will go a long way in assisting our organization in our work in Nigeria.

  • Commented
    14 Jan 2020 06:17 GMT

    Sevac Foundation Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    okullo jimmy felex says: we are so glad to recived too this offer we are operating northern parts of Uganda ,we support children, young mothers and the vulnerable children's , please our email address,

  • Commented
    21 Jan 2020 10:25 GMT

    Fablab Winam
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    MARTIN OLOO says: Wow, this is great. I would be interested in long term collaboration. Once my Organization is approved then we will be able to proceed with discussion if possible. Our kids activities are found in our contact is

  • Commented
    16 Feb 2020 09:53 GMT

    Ambassadors of God Organisation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    BLESSINGS CHIWOSI says: We are very interested in this offer we are running a nursery school at Phiri la njuzi area traditional Authority Masambankhunda Lilongwe rural Malawi. You can contact us through this

  • Commented
    23 Feb 2020 08:08 GMT

    Kabolebo Primary School
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Remmy Butia says: We are a public primary school located in rural Tinderet Sub County in Nandi County Kenya. We are interested, support us with design of school T-shirts with Educational and peace messages. Contact: kipyaisul@gmail

  • Commented
    29 Feb 2020 05:14 GMT

    Rusinga community based organisation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Hella otieno says: Hello we are very interested in this offer we, work with kids in the community, kindly consider our request

  • Commented
    01 Mar 2020 04:46 GMT

    Omuto Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Mark Mutumba says: Dear Friends,
    All those interested in our offer please send email to us at:
    Please don't forget to specify what exactly we can design for you and also send us the accompanying docs or logos. Thank you

  • Commented
    27 Mar 2020 02:32 GMT

    Learning Squared Liberia
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Anthony S. Kolaco says: Learning Squared Liberia is interested in this offer. Kindly let me know what relevant information you need for partnership. This partnership would support our rural education project, especially improving children's learning through graphics design and creativity.

  • Commented
    27 Mar 2020 04:25 GMT

    Omuto Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Mark Mutumba says: Whoever is interested, please email us what you need us to design. Include all details possible you want on your item such as the logo. Thank you

  • Commented
    30 Apr 2020 05:23 GMT

    Social Awareness and Live support
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Stephen Danda says: i am Stephen Danda I am very interested to this project.

  • Commented
    13 May 2020 09:17 GMT

    Omuto Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Mark Mutumba says: Dear Friends. Please send us an email if you are interested in our offer.

  • Contact details exchanged
    09 Jun 2020 03:07 GMT

    Social Development International (SODEIT) Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Social Development International (SODEIT) says: Dear, We are interested in the Long term partnership for our Children project:
    1. Short Videos for online fundraising
    2. Design of T-Shirts, Caps, Banners, Posters, etc
    3. Computer animated Stimulation Videos etc
    Projects are:
    Looking forward to working with you.
    Warm regards
    SODEIT Cameroon Team

  • Commented
    09 Jun 2020 03:30 GMT

    Social Awareness and Live support
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Stephen Danda says: I need it

  • Commented
    24 Jun 2020 05:54 GMT

    The Mawoudit Foundation (MF-SS)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    John G. Deng says: MAWOUDIT FOUNDATION-South Sudan
    We are very interested in this offer it will help our children in school at Aweeil South Sudan.
    Your highly corporation is appreciated
    John Garang Deng
    Executive director

  • Commented
    03 Aug 2020 06:14 GMT

    Defender Africa Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    CHARLES MALOBA says: Interested in the offer

  • Commented
    04 Aug 2020 07:00 GMT

    Parkers Mobile Clinic
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Charles Umeh says: I operate a mobile clinic NGO called PARKERS MOBILE CLINIC through which I render healthcare services at the doorstep ofvulnerable children in Nigeria.

    We are interested in this design and artwork in order to create flyers which will showcase our work to the potential users.

    Dr Charles Umeh


  • Commented
    29 Sep 2020 12:08 GMT

    Helpers Social Development Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Okeke Chidi Chinwendu says: Our organization Helpers Social Development Foundation is interested on it for our charity activities and for our social media daily posting to encourage people to donate to help less privileged children. We support children education and also educating children on how to prevent sexual abuse.

  • Commented
    21 Oct 2020 11:56 GMT

    Blessed Life Foundation Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Blessed Life foundation Uganda says: Blessed Life foundation Uganda
    We are interested in this offer since we help many ophans in our area.

  • Commented
    23 Nov 2020 09:16 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    DAVID SHAMALA says: Humanity for sustainable Development is interested.Email

  • Commented
    25 Jan 2021 10:35 GMT

    Topping Crue Foundation Limited
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Topping Crue Foundation Limited says: We are a non profit community based organization and we would like to be in partnership with you because we are in dare need of graphic designs for our children please if we can talk further you can reach us on your response will be highly appreciated

  • Commented
    17 Feb 2021 07:10 GMT

    Activate Action
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Rogers Omollo says: I am interesred in partnership

  • Commented
    29 Mar 2021 11:21 GMT

    Topping Crue Foundation Limited
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Topping Crue Foundation Limited says: We are very interested in this offer what should we provide to you as Topping Crue Foundation Limited a non-profit making grassroot foundation that runs a school that provide free open learning, early-childhood and primary educational to the vulnerable and disadvantaged children in Lubuyu Livingstone Zambia Africa.

  • Commented
    13 Apr 2021 10:00 GMT

    Hands of Good Samaritan international
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Alameth Brian Jesse says: we are interested what are the requirements ?

  • Commented
    14 May 2021 07:37 GMT

    Jesus Refuge Mission South Africa (Jromsa)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Tamara says: We are interested

  • Commented
    20 Aug 2021 02:03 GMT

    DIDA Sports Organisation CIC
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Naki Kaddu says: Hi, is this still open?

  • Commented
    26 Jul 2022 03:18 GMT

    Abang Ashu Academy (3A)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Bishop Abang Anthony Ashu says: Interested

  • Commented
    28 Sep 2023 11:21 GMT

    Topping Crue Foundation Limited
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Isaac Chitenta says: iam very much interested please come on board using the provided details

  • Commented
    25 Mar 2024 12:29 GMT

    The Sedoo Initiative for Children.with Special Needs-SECHILD
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    The Sedoo Initiative for Children with Special Needs-SECHILD says: Interested.

  • Commented
    02 Jun 2024 09:09 GMT

    United Safe Environment Creators (USEC)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Abedi Kabulongo Salvador says: We are interested in the partnership. We are known as United Safe Environment Creators, a grass-roots, nonprofit community-based organization. We work in three sectors: education, livelihood opportunities, and environmental sustainability.