Pharmacieplus and Terre des hommes engaged in partnership since 2005

Pharmacieplus is a network of 88 independent drugstores in Switzerland that has been engaged in a partnership with Terre des hommes (Tdh), a Swiss children’s aid NGO, since 2005.

The group offers its customers “loyalty stamps” to use either to buy products at a lower price or to donate the stamps to a charity like Tdh. A substantial portion of the funds collected thus go to Tdh health care projects.

In addition to the loyalty stamp program, the Pharmacieplus network has joined Tdh in the sale of oranges since 2007. Each year nearly 22,000 oranges are given to employees in the different pharmacies.

Further information


Partnership types

Project funding

Regions / countries / territories

Europe: Switzerland

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical

Business sectors

Medical and health