Non-profit communities
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Cooperation Canada

Cooperation Canada brings together and advocates for Canada’s international development and humanitarian organizations by convening sector leaders, influencing policy and building capacity. Together, we work with partners both inside and outside Canada to build a world that’s fair, safe and...
Aid and International Development Forum

The Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) is the world leading forum specialising in disaster relief, resilience, mobile for development, food security and water security. We unite all stakeholders from government, UN agencies, intergovernmental agencies, NGOs and the private sector by...
Coalition Against Trafficking In Women International

The Coalition against Trafficking in Women International (CATW) is a non-governmental organisation working in over 15 countries to combat sexual exploitation, especially prostitution and trafficking of women and girls. CATW networks with regional partners to bring international attention to all...
IBLF Global

IBLF Global is an independent NGO supported by private enterprise and NGOs. Our mission is to engage business in implementing responsible business practices and culture in key commercial sectors. IBLF’s focus is on promoting anti-corruption, business ethics, and responsible business practices...
Relief Web

ReliefWeb was launched in October 1996 by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). ReliefWeb is a comprehensive source of information (including documents, maps and agency contact details) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. It provides timely, reliable and relevant...
Community Business

Community Business works with member companies in three distinct areas of corporate social responsibility: CSR strategy and policy, corporate community investment, and diversity in the workplace. In addition to serving member companies, Community Business promotes CSR best practice through...
European Fair Trade Association (EFTA)
EFTA (the European Fair Trade Association) is an association of eleven Fair Trade importers in nine European countries. EFTA was established informally in 1987 by some of the oldest and largest Fair Trade importers. It gained formal status in 1990. EFTA is based in the Netherlands and has Dutch...
Asian Development Bank (ADB) NGO Center and Cooperation Network

ADB created the NGO Centre in February 2001 to strengthen cooperation with civil society actors and to respond to their concerns. The Centre serves nongovernmental organisations, including community-based organisations, peoples groups and foundations, as well as trade unions.
Child-to-Child Trust - Burkina Faso

The Child-to-Child Trust is an international network promoting children's participation in health and development. The Trust was introduced to Burkina Faso in 1987 and now works mainly with plan on programmes focusing on education and health, habitat, water and sanitation.
TechSoup Global

TechSoup Global is an international network of individuals and organisations who share the belief that technology is a powerful enabler of social change. It was founded in 1987 as CompuMentor, a non-profit technology assistance organisation that provides low-cost software, including many of...