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Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations (CASIN)

The Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations (CASIN) is an independent, non-profit foundation, financed by revenues derived from its activities. CASIN concentrates on finding new approaches to governance, particularly in negotiation and other modes of conflict management and new...
Foundation Hirondelle

Foundation Hirondelle is an organisation of journalists that establishes and operates independent media services in crisis areas with a view to providing unbiased information and aiding the emergence of democratic and tolerant societies. Foundation Hirondelle also runs courses in journalism for...
Sobell Foundation

Sobell Foundation provides grants for humanitarian causes such as assistance to the elderly, education and help to the homeless in the UK, Israel and the former USSR.
Digger DTR

Digger DTR is a Swiss NGO involved with research and system development for demining operations. The organisation works in close cooperation with the Swiss Foundation of Mine Clearance and aims to develop efficient technology at affordable prices.
Project Trust

Project Trust is a UK-based non-governmental organization that sends students overseas on development projects during their gap year (the year before they begin university). Project Trust volunteers work on a variety of projects including teaching, provision of social services, and in the field of...
War Child

War Child is a network of independent organisations working across the world to help children affected by war. Different projects are being coordinated by country offices in the UK, Canada and the Netherlands. War Child aims to alleviate suffering by bringing material aid into war zones, to support...
Birmingham Children's Hospital Charities

Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charities is an independent registered charity established to raise and receive legacies and donations for Birmingham Children’s Hospital. The charity based within the hospital helps to fund raise and support via donations and community support. They rely on legacies...
British Institute For Brain Injured Children (bibic)

The British Institute for Brain Injured Children (bibic) is a charity offering practical help to children with conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, developmental delay, brain injury, dyslexia and dyspraxia. It works to maximize the potential of children with learning...
The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council

The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council provides advocacy, education and media projects relating to Sudan. The main objective of European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council (ESPAC) is to work towards peace and reconciliation in Sudan. The organization aims to work towards a better understanding...
SOS Children's Villages - Indonesia

SOS helps children and communities in need to help themselves by establishing for them, the necessary facilities for development, including education, medical and social centres. Their special emphasis is to provide orphaned and destitute children with a new and permanent home, preparing them for...
International Buddhist Relief Organisation

The International Buddhist Relief Organisation is a UK based NGO established in 1995 to relieve suffering world-wide. The organisation has sent aid to Kosovo, India and Africa, but is currently focusing its efforts on the victims of the 2004 Tsunami in Sri Lanka for whom it is raising funds and...
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) - Indonesia

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is an international development charity that works through volunteers who work with local organisations in developing countries sharing skills and expertise. The Indonesian VSO programme is based mainly in Java and East Tenggaru, where volunteers work in the areas...
Conrad & Co

Conrad&Co provides a range of business services and products and acts as a local retailer as well as offering the customers help with the development, manufacturing and mounting of each product. Its products include canopies for filling stations signs gas products, machine constructions and...
Delasiga Cinta Anak Bangsa

Delasiga Cinta Anak Bangsa (DCAB) is a non profit, non government, social foundation which was founded by a group of young Indonesian entrepreneurs in providing long term relief and rehabilitation for the victims of natural disasters.
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development

Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development is a foundation with objectives for sustainable improvement in quality of life and reduction of poverty and social inequalities in developing countries. They aim to achieve this through the research and spread information on issues of sustainable...
Department for International Development (DFID)

The Department for International Development (DFID) is the part of the UK Government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty. DFID supports long-term programmes to help tackle the underlying causes of poverty. DFID also responds to emergencies, both...
Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Project

Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Project, a joint initiative of several international humanitarian agencies on refugee protection training, provides information and training aids on its website to enhance refugee protection awareness, the related knowledge and skills of those persons...
Avon Technical Products plc

Avon Technical Products plc is an international polymer engineering group with offices in Europe, the US, Mexico, India and Japan. The company supplies the automotive, engineering, dairy and defence markets, and is involved in ongoing research and development.
Big Lottery Fund (BIG)

Big Lottery Fund (BIG), funded by the UK lottery, provides funds for community projects that improve the quality of life for those who are most needy and at greatest disadvantage in society. BIG supports projects in the UK or UK charities working overseas. No emergency aid is given and the Fund...
International Labour Organisation (ILO)

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is a tripartite UN agency that brings together governments, employers and workers in common actions to promote opportunities for women and men to engage in decent productive work. The ILO campaigns to promote social justice and the recognition and...