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Missio is the international mission agency of the German Catholic church. MISSIO collaborates with local churches in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, sponsoring projects which assist development in the local community.

Creating Better Futures

Creating Better Futures is a UK registered charity that supports the education and welfare of orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. Creating Better Futures is also registered as a charity in Zimbabwe and has a dedicated team of volunteers that work at grassroots level with rural primary...

Air Partner

Air Partner plc is one of the world’s leading corporate aircraft charter companies with 20 offices, spanning Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia. We operate a full 24-hour flight operations centre providing clients with instant access to our private air charter services all year round. ...

Kuehne + Nagel International AG

Kuehne + Nagel International AG provides integrated end-to-end supply chain management solutions for a comprehensive range of industries. The company's end-to-end supply chain management capabilities include seafreight, airfreight, rail, road, contract logistics and lead logistics. Kuehne + Nagel...

Excess Baggage Company

This shipping company operates from the UK, shipping household goods and vehicles around the world. Provides a guide to packing goods in preparation for shipping, and an online country-by-country guide to import and export customs requirements for moving personal goods, household effects, removals,...

Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development (DANCED)

Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development (DANCED) was created in 1994 as part of the Denmark’s initiatives of environmental assistance to developing countries. DANCED is part of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency within the Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy. DANCED...

Asociación de Cooperación Rural en Africa y América Latina (ACRA)

Asociación de Cooperación Rural en Africa y América Latina (ACRA) operates community development programmes in rural areas with activities designed to address long-term community objectives. The programmes promote collaboration between agencies and the local population in a way that supports the...


Permanet is a product of the Vestergaard Frandsen Group, which specialises in complex emergency response and disease control textiles. With offices worldwide, it has a very short response time to emergency needs. Their three major products are 'Permanet'(a long lasting insecticidal mosquito net),...

Médecins du Monde (MDM) - Belgium

Médecins du Monde (MDM) Belgium was created in 1997 and is a part of Médecins du Monde, an international medical humanitarian organisation based in France. MDM Belgium focuses on the health care of women and children in poor areas and on the reduction of mortality of women and infants during...

Saint Anne's Orthodox Trust

Saint Anne's is a small idiorrhythemic monastic house of the Orthodox Church. It is within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriachate of Constantinople and part of the Exarchate of Western Europe. It is home to the Orthodox Community of Saint Anne in the City of York.

L'Occitane Foundation offers support to equine training programme for the visually impaired

The Fondation L'Occitane is offering support to ARAC, a French NGO that works with visually impaired people to develop riding and associated skills.

Whittington Hospital

Whittington Hospital offers a high quality hospital service, provided in a caring, friendly and efficient way. The hospital also provides ambulatory care, treatment of common cancers and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Wumenu Community Farm Ho Volta Region of Ghana

The Wumenu Community Farm is a community development project aimed at helping the disadvantaged and poor of Wumenu village near Ho, in the Volta Region of Ghana, West Africa. The project is funded through fund raising events, donations from the general public in Scotland and through programs such...

Creating Shared Value: It's the Future

FSG illuminates the potential of "shared value" in this short motion graphic.

Research Foundation of Lund Vietnam Childhood Cancer Program

In 2008, IKEA Social Initiative entered a six-year co-operation with the Research Foundation of Lund Vietnam Childhood Cancer Program, Lund University Hospital, Sweden. The programme aims at making a permanent improvement of cancer care in order to increase the number of children surviving and...

Green Aid Relief

Green Aid Relief is an international NGO with offices in Auatralia, the UK and the USA. The organisation aims to make life better for communities in need by supplying basic items such as school equipment for children, vaccination and other health programmes in developing countries, and sponsoring...

Human TraffickingHandbook: Recognising Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery in the UK

The Human Trafficking Handbook, edited and sold by NexisLexis, is an essential anthology of opinion and analysis written by experienced, passionate professionals who play a vital role in today’s fight against modern-day slavery. This unique collection of original essays seeks to meet that need...


STOP THE TRAFFIK was founded in 2006 by Steve Chalke MBE as a campaign coalition which aims to bring an end to human trafficking worldwide. It is a global movement of individuals, communities and organisations fighting to prevent human trafficking around the world. Initially Stop The Traffik was...

International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission (IJM) is a human rights agency founded in 1997 that rescues victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM’s vision is to rescue thousands, protect millions and prove that justice for the poor is possible. It helps victims of...

KPMG supports Fairtrade Africa

BRIGHT is KPMG Europe’s first skills-based pro-bono project that supports the Millennium Development Goals. The global financial services group aims to support capacity building in the core areas of finance, risk management, operational excellence, human resources, IT and marketing. During 2011,...