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Virgin Atlantic offers Fairtrade tea and coffee aboard all flights

In September 2007, following a series of blind tastings of a variety of Fairtrade teas and coffees, Virgin Atlantic announced a switch to offering passengers a variety of Fairtrade products, including organic green and white teas from QI teas, a range of fresh and instant coffees by Costa Coffee...
Babcock Engineering and Blythswood Care partner to provide a water purification plant in Aceh, Indonesia

A water purification plant has been donated to Blythswood Care by Babcock Engineering to assist tsunami survivors in Aceh, Indonesia. It is capable of producing 100 cubic metres of drinking water per day, sufficient for a small town. The Reverse Osmosis plant is accompanied by water storage...
Starbucks Joins the Conservation International Movement

Since 1998, Starbucks has partnered with Conservation International (CI), a nonprofit organisation, to promote coffee production practices that conserve biodiversity, maintain healthy ecosystems and support economic and social development in coffee production landscapes.
Coca-Cola joins the fight against HIV/AIDS

Coca-Cola has developed a range of awareness raising initiatives for HIV/AIDS. Working with a range of NGO partners, its programs have reached at risk people in 11 countries.
Thames Water organised fundarising events to help WaterAid

In 2009/2010, Thames Water hosted various fundraising events for its principle charity WaterAid, raising a grand total of £2,541,688 in funds.
PwC supports minority children education project in collaboration with Save the Children and local government

The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) team provided support to the Yunnan Minority Basic Education Project (YMBEP), which was formed through a collaboration between Save the Children International and the local government.
Levi Strauss works with NGOs to get involved in disaster response

The Levi Strauss Foundation provides relief grants, organizes employee volunteerism, and matches donations made by Levi Strauss & Co. employees to support communities that have fallen victim to natural disasters.
In partnership with ICRW, Gap Inc. developed a programme to support women's education and capacity in developing countries

Gap Inc. collaborated with the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) to develop P.A.C.E. (Personal Advancement, Career Enhancement), a program to support scholarships and career advancement for women in the developing world.
ABN Amro India provides credit to 16 microfinance institutions in India
In August 2003, ABN AMRO India started a program to provide funding to 16 microfinance institutions in India.
Mine victims benefit from the enthusiasm of football fans during EURO 2008

The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) collaborated with the Red Cross in a novel fundraising campaign during EURO 2008.
Lex Mundi Legal Services Allows Social Entrepreneurs To Use Their Top-class Legal Expertise Pro Bono

The Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation calls upon Lex Mundi's unique global network of 160 top tier business law firms to provide legal assistance to 'social entrepreneurs' on a pro bono basis. By providing social entrepreneurs with access to critically needed legal assistance, the foundation joins the...
Freshfields provides necessary assistance to Crossroads as they ship much-needed goods to aid marginalized populations

The Freshfields Hong Kong office holds volunteer days for Crossroads Foundation, a relief agency that ships goods donated by Hong Kong residents to marginalized populations in Asia, Africa, South America and Europe. The office sends personnel to volunteer on a weekly basis to help the charity sort...
Nau works with Mercy Corps in its "Partner for Change" programme

Mercy Corps have been selected by Nau for its "Partner for Change" program, which means that whenever a customer makes a purchase, they donate 2 percent of the sale to Mercy Corps and other nonprofit Partners for Change.
BNP Paribas cooperates with the Pasteur Institute in the global fight against infectious diseases

BNP Paribas Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) helps in the global fight against infectious diseases by joining forces with the Institut Pasteur, a long-time partner of the BNP Paribas Foundation. BNP Paribas CIB will offer financial aid across 29 countries to medical research teams from the...
Boeing helps critical Mercy Corps programs get off the ground

Immediately following the the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Boeing committed $1 million to tsunami relief efforts, split among three humanitarian organisations including Mercy Corps.
Partnering with Mercy Corps, Nike is helping to build better, healthier communities.

Nike has been working closely with Mercy Corps, aiding in their efforts to use sports - particularly soccer - as a method of community rebuilding and to bring hope to the world's youth.
Western Union partnered with Mercy Corps to increase financial literacy

Western Union, the leading money transfer service around the globe, entered into partnership with Mercy Corps in 2007 to increase financial literacy for families and individuals in some of the world's poorest countries. "Our World, Our Family" is the five-year, $50 million program that Western...
Walmart unveils eco-friendly products, mobilizes workforce in partnerships with NGOs

Walmart celebrated global Earth Month by demonstrating its commitment to a greener environment around the world. Walmart will unveil a number of earth friendly products, partner with local governments and NGOs, sponsor community activities and engage its 2.2 million associates worldwide to promote...
Virgin Atlantic and Swiss-based charity Myclimate launch carbon offset scheme to benefit local communities

Virgin Atlantic launched the first ever onboard carbon offset scheme, endorsed by 49 NGOs worldwide, including many environmental groups. The airline has partnered with Swiss-based charity Myclimate to offer a Gold Standard Carbon Offset Scheme which is now available to passengers inflight as well...
UBS became a partner with WaterAid to rebuild areas damaged by the 2004 South Asian tsunami

As part of UBS's global response to 2004 South Asian tsunami, a select number of charity partners were chosen by UBS for a further grant to support rebuilding efforts in the southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Giving UBS's good relationship with WaterAid, WaterAid was one of...