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European Commission (EC) - How to apply for grants from the European Social Fund

This page provides a brief overview of how to participate in European Social Fund actions. The European Social Fund (ESF) is one of the main funding streams provided by the European Commission, and is based on co-financing and shared management. The ESF provides support for five key areas of...

efundraising an online donation service set up by the Charities Aid Foundation International (CAF). CAF has a vision for a world in which global giving in a commited and effective way is a recognised part of every day life. efundraising provides information from CAF on raising funds online via the...
UNHCR Commodity Distribution Guide

UNHCR Commodity Distribution Guide provides a framework for making decisions about distribution systems for the UNHCR the field staff and operational partners,. The guide covers systems for the distribution of both food and non-food items, with an emphasis upon food distribution systems.
BOND vacancies

This site provides details of current vacancies in UK NGO's working in international development.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmen (UNCTAD) - Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS)

TRAINS is a comprehensive computerized information system at the HS-based tariff line level covering tariff, para-tariff and non-tariff measures as well as import flows by origin for more than 140 countries.
Computer Aid International - Directory

Computer Aid International recycles unwanted computers from the UK for use in schools and community organisations in developing countries. Their website provides a directory of useful links related to computer donations.
Information on European Union (EU) Funding

This resource on the EU website provides information on what funding is available from the EU.
Ministry of Health - Czech Republic

Ministry of Health of Czech Republic is a department in the government of Czech Republic which prepares health programs and works to help people with health problems, also it aims to control and prevent it. It provides also a range of information and activities related to health issues.
Make Poverty Business: Increase Profits and Reduce Risks by Engaging with the Poor

Make Poverty Business: Increase Profits and Reduce Risks by Engaging with the Poor (2006) is a book by Craig Wilson and Peter Wilson that sets out to provide a blueprint for on-the-ground managers of multinational corporations to create sustainable profits and reduce country risk by helping...
South Asia Earthquake 2005: Learning from Previous Recovery Operations

South Asia Earthquake 2005: Learning from Previous Recovery Operations, the second of two briefings prepared by ALNAP and the ProVention Consortium, covers targeting, participation, assessment, shelter and housing, risk reduction and policy, drawing out main lessons in each area and highlighting...
Social enterprises 'growing strongly'

The UK's social enterprises - businesses trading for social or environmental purposes - bucked the recent recession, a report has said.
Draft Two SFTMS (Sustainable Fair Trade Management System) Standard

SFTMS is the new worldwide standard for the independent certification of organisations which demonstrate Fair Trade business practices. The requirements of this standard are applicable to any organisation applying Fair Trade principles in all its business processes regardless of the nature of...
BBC article: So Afr-Eco Community Upliftment Project (SAECUP)

SAECUP is a non-profit organisation established a decade ago in South Africa to provide refuge for poor women and children. This BBC article explains the history behind SAECUP, and includes an interview with the founder. Over 130 woman are involved in a micro enterprise project, which transforms...
Trade Finance: Make it work for women

Trade Finance: Make it work for women, a news article, reports that women make up 70% of the world's poor, and it is important that they be given access to finance, which is critical to business success. The global financial crisis exacerbates an already dissatisfactory situation of trade financing...
New guidelines to help investors measure success of microfinance institutions

According to this news article, socially responsible investors are choosing to invest in microfinance to help alleviate poverty. By means of often very small loans, financial services, and technology, microfinance helps the poor, often women, to start self-sustaining businesses in order to escape...
Ministers to Discuss Ways to Overcome Supply Side Constraints to Trade

Ministers to Discuss Ways to Overcome Supply Side Constraints to Trade, a news article, reports that trade and industry ministers from the world’s poorest countries met in Cambodia seeking solutions to common problems they face in integrating their economies into the global trading system.
Business for Development: Business solutions in support of the Millennium Development Goals

Business for Development: Business solutions in support of the Millennium Development Goals, a report by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, stresses the key role that business plays in creating opportunities for empowerment and development. It provides a host of examples of...
Aid For Trade Second Global Review: Programme

Aid For Trade Second Global Review: Programme, an audio/visual summary, provides the proceedings of this conference which focused upon maintaining the momentum of Aid for Trade mandate, agreed at the WTO's Hong Kong Ministerial Conference in 2005. This mandate aims to help developing countries, and...
Tourism industry and poverty reduction: A business primer

Tourism industry and poverty reduction: A business primer, a policy briefing paper, explains why poverty does matter to tourism businesses and describes what companies – both in the originating and destination countries – can do to contribute to the global effort on poverty reduction.
Business group supports sustainability via the market economy

Business group supports sustainability via the market economy, a report issued by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, shows how open, transparent markets can drive sustainability. The report also makes the business case for implementing sustainable practices and outlines seven...