This offer is no longer available to non-profit organisations.

Second Hand clothing, sleeping bags, bedding, new nappies and toiletry available in Portsmouth, UK

General information

Overall description

A donor has a load of the following:

10 big bags of clothing, 80% second hand 20% brand new.
8 bags of new nappies
3 to 4 sleeping bags
3 duvets (all clean)
A small bag of toiletries

The goods need to be collected from the donor’s address near Portsmouth, Po7 7TH.


As soon as possible.

Partnership types

Provision of goods

Goods details

Goods description

Second Hand clothes, brand new nappies, bedding, sleeping bags, toiletry.

Type(s) of goods

Apparel & fashion; Personal care products & luggage


Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Frequency (one-off or ongoing)

I will be offering these goods on a one off basis.


I cannot assist with transport.


Expiry dates are not relevant to these goods.


These goods are second hand.

Organisation details

Organisation name

Global Hand

Contact details

Only verified non-profit organisations who have exchanged contact details may view this.
