Child's Dream

Unverified non-profit organisation

Child’s Dream is a charitable, not-for-profit organization dedicated to empowering marginalized children and youth in the Mekong Sub-Region, which includes Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia, The organization’s activities range from health interventions for children to reduce child mortality, construction of educational facilities to provide universal basic education, youth employment centers to high school and university scholarships. It also provides support to AIDS orphans and sponsors medical treatment and the supply of medicines.


Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

1 million - 100 million

About this organisation

Partnership types

Project funding

Regions / countries / territories

Asia: Thailand

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Education and training; Shelter, housing, all (3)

Goods categories

Apparel & fashion; Arts, crafts & toys; Books & audiovisual; all (9)