Food security and nutrition
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Holy Ghost Fathers Province of Kenya

Founded in 1703, the Holy Ghost Congregation has its members in the six continents engaged in different ministries. In Kenya, the Congregation is involved in primary evangelization and development, urban ministries in slum areas, inter-religious dialogue, education, reconciliation, and the...
Global Aid for Africa (GAA)

Global Aid for Africa (GAA), is an International Organization with head quarter in the United State of America and regional offices across Africa with the aimed at providing support to undeserved and underprivileged communities in Africa to achieve the Sustainable Development goals of the UN agenda...
Centre for Integrated Community Development (CICD-UGANDA)

CICD-UGANDA is an indigenous /non-partisan /non for profit rural based community learning organization in Buhweju District, Western Uganda. It was formed in 2014 and officially registered at the district as a Community Based Organization in 2016. CICD-Uganda is a youth and community-led initiative...
Sisters of Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (SSJBC)

Cottolengo Sisters Community was founded in Italy - Turin in the year 1832 by St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo. He started this congregation with aim of helping the poorest in need who are neglected and repugnant from the society. SSJBC's mission is to witness the love of God the provident Father by...
Reaching the Unreached Tanzania (RUT)

RUT is a national voluntary based non-governmental organization (NGO) working to address sexual and reproductive health issues and promoting access to justice in Tanzania with focus on vulnerable and marginalized populations particularly adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), women and children. ...
Somali Environmental and Social Development Organization (SESDO)

SESDO Organization is a Swedish non-profit organizations with a mission to provide charitable assistance to implement educational development, social and environmental development. SESDO was established to fulfill the responsibility towards humanity regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, location,...
Jelinamwanacome orphanage and All sports Academy / Mother Kareso Home Foundation
Jelinamwanacome orphanage and all sports Academy / Mother Kareso Home Foundation was founded in 2013 and duly registered in 2015 under the registrar of societies Zambia. The Home is based in Lusaka Zambia Bauleni area Mwazabamba and Chelstone Palmdrive. They work with the orphans, vulnerable,...

I2BA SKILLS TRAINING is a nonprofit organization registered with the Social Development (RSA) as I2BA NPO, registration number 216-849NPO focussing more on Education, Health and Job Creation. With an increasing number of scarce skills in South Africa, 12BA NPO took an initiative to host Career...
Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD)

Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD) Is a non-profiteering, non- government rights based organization. Formally formed in 2008 with the sincere efforts of some dedicated social young workers with the objectives of assisting the disadvantaged people towards developing their...
ONG Skyline was created in 2016 with the aim of improving the living conditions of the population. It mainly targets disadvantaged people, young people and vulnerable women. Its fields of activity are: education; environment, health, development, public works.
Jesus Foundation Trust

Jesus Foundation Trust is working for common good of the people. Their current focus during coronavirus is to reduce the decease through giving hand sanitizers, masks, hand washing soap. The Trust also works on women development, children education, social development, water and environment,...

The Eco Conservation Uganda Ltd is a non-profit organization established with an aim to protect and conserve the environment in compilation with the location community. This shall be done through education,community meeting and planning of trees.
Northeast FoodBanking Network (NeFN)

The Northeast FoodBanking Network (NeFN) is a non-profit and charitable organization based food bank that aims to feed hunger in Northeast India. It is a registered society under the Manipur Societies Registration Act, 1989. The Northeast FoodBanking Network is also a new initiative undertaken by a...
Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE)

Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE) is a voluntary and charity, non-partisan and non-government organization formed on the basis of helping the poor, vulnerable communities, orphans, women and the general community and population in Uganda. It gives support in form of...
GREAT TRUST (Girls Ramification Educational Association Trust)

The “Girls Ramification Educational Association Trust” (GREAT) is a registered non-profit charitable trust and the Registration No.58/BK4/2000 dated 3rd February 2000. The Trust is a non-political, non-religious, nonprofit charitable organization functioning at Vellore District in Tamil Nadu, South...
Faith Association Of Rehabilitation Of Street Children And Orphans (FARSO)
Faith Association for Rehabilitation of Street Children and Orphans (FARSO) is charity organization and NGO aimed at providing rehabilitation to children on the Street, underprivileged and social outcast in the deprived and marginalised communities in West Africa and Africa as a whole. FARSO...
Global Orchard Initiative Network

Global Orchard Initiative Network is a community based organization operating in Busia District in the area of orchard farms, afforestation and reforestation, environmental conservation and modern agriculture practices, women saving, horticulture project, food security and nutrition project. ...
Friends of the Earth Sierra Leone
Friends of the Earth –Sierra Leone is one of the largest National Environmental Group in Sierra Leone bringing together interest groups as members of the organization. The group campaigns for today’s most urgent environmental and social issues. The vision is of a peaceful and sustained nation...
Fresh Nepal

Fresh Nepal is a non-profit organization founded in 2006 and registered in District administration Office (DOA) of Lalitpur. Fresh Nepal has been working to improving the living condition of the poor, discriminated, orphans, helpless, abandoned, suffering children and widow, poor, discriminated,...
Green Loop

Green Loop is a nonprofit Environmental conservation company that empowers youth with skills and knowledge on how to fight poverty and unemployment without harming the environment. This is done through spearheading various agricultural income generating projects for youth communities, organising...