Computers 4 Charity

Unverified non-profit organisation

We are a charity that takes in redundant IT equipment from organisations across the UK, we then securely erase all data storage and refurbish and repair everything we can. Our workshop is mostly staffed by former NEETs (young people not in education employment or training) and we provide work experience and training to those with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) and also to students attending local colleges.

We sell a proportion of the equipment donated to us in order to pay our workshop staff and cover the costs of providing work experience and training; the rest is given to charities across the UK with thousands having received devices over the last 4 years.

Anything we cannot find a use for, or that is too broken to repair, is taken to one of our accredited WEEE waste partners who recycle everything that can be recycled, extracting all the useful material. We don’t send any waste IT equipment to landfill.

We firmly believe that we need to move to a repair and reuse based economy if the human race is going to survive and we do everything we can to encourage this!


Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

500,000 - 1 million

About this organisation

Partnership types

Doing business with the poor; Provision of services / personnel; Provision of goods

Regions / countries / territories

Europe: United Kingdom

Global issues

Education and training; Environment and climate change; Information and all (3)

Goods categories

Computer hardware & software

Business sectors

Community and social services; Education and training; Telecommunications and all (3)