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Talented Youths International (TYI)

Talented Youths International (TYI) is a not-for-profit organisation created to help plan initiatives on sustainable development amongst the youth of Nigeria, and internationally. With the aim of creating an information society at the grassroots of society, TYI raises youth awareness through...
Comprehensive Rural Health Project (CRHP)

The Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed, has been working among the rural poor and marginalized for over 40 years. By partnering with village communities and expanding upon local knowledge and resources the project aims to effectively meet the immediate and long term needs of these groups,...
Nabolok in a voluntary non-governmental organisation working to promote, protect and support self-reliant, participatory development in Bangladesh. Recognising development is as much a social issue as an economic one, the organisation places equal emphasis on poverty reduction and empowerment of...
Pamoja Women Development Programme
PAWDEP seeks to empower Kenyan women financially to run viable, competitive, and rewarding enterprises that can compete locally and internatioally, by providing microfinance solutions to women groups running small scale industry and farming. Recognizing the role played by the women in the...
Saligan-Bikol, Inc (Alternative Legal Assistance Center of Bikol)

Sentro NG Alternatilong Lingap Panligal (Alternative Legal Assistance Center of Bikol) conducts legal work with farmers, workers, the urban poor, women and local communities and works towards the their empowerment. The organisation runs five sectoral programmes (women, labour, the urban poor, ...
Pallisa Community Development Trust (PACODET)
Pallisa Community Development Trust (PACODET) provides integrated rural community health, food security and environment conservation programmes for an area of ten parishes in Uganda with a population of over 60,000 people. PACODET supports communities to access/own the information, skills,...
Auroville Village Action Group

The Auroville Village Action Group was set up to better organise the various activities in Auroville, India which had developed out of the Village Action Group which began in 1983. All these activities were based in the perception that in its search to realise an actual Human Unity, Auroville had...
Society of Tribal Women for Development

The Society of Tribal Women for Development supports the welfare and development of migrant tribal women in India. The organisation focuses on several issues: fighting against the exploitation of tribal women, empowering tribal women, providing education and training in child care, health, food...
Rural Upgrade Support Organisation (RUSO)

RUSO is a non-political, non-sectarian and non-governmental organization that employs volunteer humanitarian action to empower local communities and contribute sustainable grass-roots solutions to rural challenges, providing health-care, education and social development. It is a unique service...
Somali Youth Development Network (SOYDEN)

The Somali Youth Development Network (SOYDEN) aims to improve the standard of living among Somali youths, as well as promote peace and human rights, by empowering youths and making them active partners in development. SOYDEN's projects include: a skills training programme, promoting peace building...
Pact Tanzania

Since 2002, Pact Tanzania has been operating as one of the 24 field offices of Pact in Africa, an international non-governmental organisation. It strives to build a strong, democratic society that protects the rights of and provides opportunities to vulnerable children, women, and marginalized...
Volunteer Service and Support Nepal (VSSN)

Volunteer Service and Support Nepal (VSSN) is a non-profit organization founded by a group of development specialists, social workers, cultural and tourism experts and ex-volunteers, that raises funds to provide programs and services to children and families, schools, orphanages, health centers...
Northern Territory Government Australia

Northern Territory Government Australia (NTGA) is the leading economic development agency for the Northern Territory. The NTGA maximises business opportunities in tourism, indigenous economic development, regional development and investment. The NTGA serves as the central entry point for Territory...
Women Empowerment Group

Women's Empowerment Group (WEG) was formed in 1999 in Lahore. WEG, a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, emphasises the rights of women and children. WEG works to strengthens the process of socio-economic development and empowerment of the disadvantaged sections of the society at the...
The Budalang'I Health and Development (BUHEDE)

The Budalang'I Health and Development aims to empower the rural fishing population of Budalang'I, Kenya by promoting sustainable programmes that focus upon improving social, economical and environmental conditions. It also promotes discussion and coordination between communities, NGOs and other...
DevPro, a human resources placement organisation, matches the needs of organisations with professionals network in the areas of health, education, management, finance, information technology, engineering, environment, business, enterprise development and other streams of art, science and...

PREED is the acronym for people’s organization for Rural Health, Education and Economic Development. It aims to achieve sustained development in India through the participation of rural and tribal communities in the empowerment of women, promotion of reproductive health, gender equity, social...
JCS International
JCS is a consortium of Christian agencies working together as one INGO to serve the nation and people of Mongolia by helping to meet the needs of society in terms of the whole person – physical, spiritual, and intellectual – and to support their efforts to improve their own lives and their...
Rajasthan Bal Kalyan Society
RBKS is a registered voluntary organisation devoted to rural education and community development in Udaipur and Rajasmand districts of South Rajasthan and tribal zones of India. The main emphasis of RBKS is to educate and create opportunities for the rural underprivileged tribal children. RBKS...
Association for Sustainable and Responsible Investment in Asia (ASrIA) - Hong Kong office
The Association for Sustainable&Responsible Investment in Asia (ASrIA) is a not for profit, membership association dedicated to promoting corporate responsibility and sustainable investment practice in the Asia Pacific region. ASrIA provides up to date information on the development of...