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Pallisa Community Development Trust (PACODET)
Pallisa Community Development Trust (PACODET) provides integrated rural community health, food security and environment conservation programmes for an area of ten parishes in Uganda with a population of over 60,000 people. PACODET supports communities to access/own the information, skills,...
Human Appeal International (HAI)

Human Appeal International (HAI) aims to provide relief to victims of natural disasters, wars and social hardship; improve the quality of life of underprivileged communities through their projects; provide education, health and social development; facilitate secure provisions for orphans; and,...

PREED is the acronym for people’s organization for Rural Health, Education and Economic Development. It aims to achieve sustained development in India through the participation of rural and tribal communities in the empowerment of women, promotion of reproductive health, gender equity, social...
Sahan Relief and Development Organization (SRDO)

Sahan Relief and Development Organization (SRDO) provides education, social relief, rehabilitation and emergency relief services for both Pakistanis and Afghan refugees living in Pakistan. Sahan Relief aims to advance and strengthen peace and stability in the Horn of Africa through the promotion...
Annai Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust (AIGMT)

Annai Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust (AIGMT) provides programs to empower the rural poor by improving the educational and vocational skills of women, assist with the economic self-reliance of women through micro level savings and credit, work for the eradication and rehabilitation of child labor,...
Mercy Ships Switzerland

Mercy Ships operates a fleet of ships crewed by doctors, teachers, water engineers and agriculturalists providing free services to people in some of the world’s poorest cities. The program includes three hospital ships, three land-based projects, and support offices around the world. The...
Education Training & Service for Community - Nepal (ETSC-N)

Education Training&Service for Community - Nepal (ETSC-N) addresses poverty alleviation, economic development, human trafficking, rehabilitation for landless people and conflict resolution within Nepal, with special emphasis upon women, youth and Dalit communities.
Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi (BASS)
Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi (BASS) works for the welfare of children, women, and persons with disabilities, the elderly and other vulnerable and marginalised groups in about 40 villages in the Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh, including Edlapadu, Prathipadu, Nadendla Mandals and Cyclone Prone...

CARAVAN (Community Awareness Raising&Advocacy Ventures Around Needs) promotes social and economic development in Swat District of the Northwest Frontier Province Pakistan with regard for ecological conservation and a focus upon marginalised, ignored and backward areas.
Pepal is a young social enterprise that facilitates partnerships between the private and non-profit sectors through launching international development programmes, to achieve effective and sustainable social change in the developing world. It collaborates with INSEAD, the business school for the...
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Niger

Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged. The aim of CRS globally is to provide direct aid to the poor, to involve people in their own development, helping them to realise their potential, to promote social...
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development

Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development is a foundation with objectives for sustainable improvement in quality of life and reduction of poverty and social inequalities in developing countries. They aim to achieve this through the research and spread information on issues of sustainable...
Oikocredit International

Oikocredit International, one of the largest financiers of the microfinance sector worldwide, promotes global justice by challenging people, churches and others to share their resources through socially responsible investments and by empowering disadvantaged people with credit. Oikocredit finances...
Association for India's Development (AID)

Association for India's Development, Inc. (AID) is a voluntary non-profit organisation committed to promoting sustainable, equitable and just development in India, by working with grassroots organisations and movements in India. AID supports and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres...
NGO Connect

Shakti brings out NGO Connect, which is probably India's first periodical which concentrates only on non-profit NGO news. The newsletter gives information about the work of myriad NGOs in various fields. It covers all major areas like HIV/AIDS, health, corporate social responsibility, etc and also...
Succeed Consult

Succeed Consult is a Ugandan company that offers corporate social responsibility and social accountability training, quality management systems training (ISO 9001:2008) and training in manufacturing operations management.
Third Planet Foundation

Third Planet Foundation is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation organization registered as a Section 8 (not-for-profit) in the year 2012. The Foundation is working on diverse thematic areas aligned to Schedule VII, Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 guidelines. Third...
The Budalang'I Health and Development (BUHEDE)

The Budalang'I Health and Development aims to empower the rural fishing population of Budalang'I, Kenya by promoting sustainable programmes that focus upon improving social, economical and environmental conditions. It also promotes discussion and coordination between communities, NGOs and other...
International Relief Friendship Foundation

The International Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF)responds to the human needs of the global community and covers social concerns. Major projects, though, have emphasized the areas of healthcare and nutrition, primary education (including general literacy, education, vocational and agricultural...
Food for the Hungry International - Korea

Food for the Hungry International- Korea (KFHI) is a global partnership that focuses on poverty needs that relate to food and nutrition, water resource development, primary health care and income enhancement. KFHI also assists in the areas of education, empowering indigenous organisations, and...