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Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia (CSR Asia)

Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia (CSR Asia) is the leading provider of information, training, research and consultancy services on sustainable business practices in Asia. CSR Asia builds capacity and promotes awareness of corporate social responsibility in order to advance sustainable...
Chinese Federation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CFCSR)

The Chinese Federation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CFCSR) is an organisation that aims to promote CSR in China. Since its inception, CFCSR has also engaged in a range of projects aimed at promoting education and development in rural China in addition to conducting research on CSR. CFCSR...
Maala – Business for Social Responsibility

Maala – Business for Social Responsibility, a non-profit membership organisation, is Israel’s leading advocate on corporate values and citizenship. Maala serves as an advocate, consultant, educator and facilitator, encouraging corporations to identify opportunities for community involvement,...
Instituto Argentino de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria (IARSE)

Instituto Argentino de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria (IARSE) is a private, non-profit organisation with a national scope and strong ties with similar organisations in Latin America and around the world. IARSE has developed a membership system, orientated to companies committed with CSR and...
Singapore Compact for Corporate Social Responsibility

Singapore Compact for Corporate Social Responsibility is a national society which provides a multi-stakeholder platform for collaboration, in developing coordinated and effective strategies to promote CSR policies and practices in Singapore. This is done through ongoing dialogues, training,...
Business for Social Responsibility - China Training Institute

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) helps companies make corporate social responsibility a part of their own business format. BSR provides tools, training and advisory services. The China Training Institute (CTI) is an ongoing independent project run by BSR, which started in 2004 and aims...
Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR)

Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR) is a non-profit, member-led organisation that mobilises Canadian companies to make powerful business decisions that improve performance and contribute to a better world. The globally-recognised source for corporate social responsibility in Canada,...
Acción RSE

Acción RSE is a non profit member company organisation created by the private sector to promote Corporate Social Responsibility practices in Chile. Acción RSE has five main businss- oriented action areas, which are ethics and corporate governance, workplace, environment, supply chain, and...
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) works with its global network of more than 250 member companies to develop sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration. BSR leverages its expertise in environment, human rights, economic...
Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu (FOB)

Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu (FOB) is the first nongovernmental organisation in Poland to provide in-depth focus on the concept of corporate social responsibility. FOB focuses its activity upon: helping businesses develop their social responsibility; building business coalitions that focuses on...

CSR NEWS is a worldwide internet platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is owned by the non-profit-making Corporate Responsibility Foundation and is neutral and independent. CSR NEWS provides news about corporate responsibility and is an international platform for dialogue with...
As You Sow

As You Sow is an American foundation that promotes environmental and corporate social responsibility through advocacy, coalition building and innovative legal strategies. The foundation runs two programmes: the Environmental Enforcement Programme seeks to reduce and remove carcinogenic exposures...
Fundación Merey

Fundación Merey is a Venezuelan NGO that promotes sustainable development of communities located in Venezuelan rural and urban watersheds through community organisation projects, environmental education, corporate social responsibility plans, and environmental conservation projects. The...
Article 13

Article 13 helps companies to operate in a manner that produces a positive impact on society - typically in the areas of CSR (corporate & social responsibility), sustainability, governance and social innovation. They offer a range of training, coaching, consultancy and research services. ...
Community Business

Community Business works with member companies in three distinct areas of corporate social responsibility: CSR strategy and policy, corporate community investment, and diversity in the workplace. In addition to serving member companies, Community Business promotes CSR best practice through...
CSR Europe

CSR Europe is a European business network for corporate social responsibility (CSR) with around 70 multinational corporations and 31 national partner organisations as members. CSR Europe has a unique delivery model which aims to support companies in building sustainable competitiveness, foster...
Business Environment Council (BEC)

The Business Environment Council (BEC) promotes corporate social and environmental responsibility in Hong Kong. Set up by business for business in 1989, BEC offers sustainable business solutions covering baseline assessment, advisory, research, training and award programmes for companies across all...
American Chamber Foundation Philippines, Inc. (AM CHAM)

AM CHAM serves the socio-civic arm of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines by providing services related to health and nutrition, social services, education, training, and resource development. Programs include resource mobilization, project management, networking, education and...
Integra Foundation

The Integra Venture is a network of community economic agencies in Central and Eastern Europe. They offer practical and professional help for entrepreneurs to start and grow their business. They provide finance and entrepreneurial training to help the poor climb out of poverty. They also promote...
Engineers Against Poverty

Engineers Against Poverty (EPA) is a UK based international NGO working in the field of engineering. It is establishes and supports partnerships between state, private and civil society sectors. EPA has a specific focus on improving the corporate social responsibility programmes of engineering...