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In: Resources

Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor - a UNDP report

Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor is the new and groundbreaking report launched on 1 July by the UN Development Programme.

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Rural communities in Serbia have IT services provided

Rural communities in Serbia are confronted with less infrastructure and opportunities, and hence higher levels of poverty. Access to IT facilities and computers/internet in particular remain a major challenge. This prevents people from accessing information such as job vacancies, buying machinery,...

In: Stories

Carulla Foundations promotes early childhood education in Colombia through initiative AeioTu

Carulla Foundation was founded by José Carulla Soler, then owner of the Carulla chain of department stores, in 1962. For 47 years the foundation provided scholarships to thousands of low-income employees of the company.

In: Stories

Creating Value For All: Community-Based Tourism in Kyrgyzstan

Community-based tourism (CBT)-a type of a tourism that is owned and managed by the local community and its members- has emerged as a mechanism to facilitate locally based tourism activities in many developing countries, including the Kyrgyz Republic. The first CBT group was established in May 2000...

In: Stories

Beijing Shengchang Bioenergy S&T Co.: A Leading Bio-Energy Benefits Both Business Itself and Local Farmers in Beijing

Agricultural waste was previously just waste, burned outside in winter. It needs a lot of labour to handle and also produces severe environmental problems. This successful business converts agricultural waste into a valuable product. Beijing Shengchang Bioenergy S&T Co., Ltd. (SBST) is a...

In: Stories

Partnerships bring fuel services to northern Mozambique medical clinics

In a country with 500 doctors for almost 20 million people, initiatives that can expand the reach of health services to rural people are in critical demand but in short supply. In northern Mozambique, the big challenge for health clinics is the lack of reliable fuel to light medical operations and...

In: Videos

Public-Private Partnership for Low - Cost Housing Investments

Thousands of Salvadorans with no credit history can access loans now to make home improvements and expand their home businesses. El Salvador has developed a unique and sustainable financial business model that enables low-income consumers to improve and expand their homes by mobilizing...

In: Videos

Vision Banco partners with Habitat to provide low-income housing in Paraguay

Thousands of low income Paraguayans will be able to make home improvements with credits provided by a Vision Banco-Habitat partnership.

In: News

Restaurants Help Romanian Orphans

After the execution in 1989 of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and the corresponding fall of the communist government, the world’s press got its first look at the horrendous conditions that Romanian orphans had been living in. Lack of basic care and attention left many of the children...

In: Resources

Keeping the promise: a forward-looking review to promote an agreed action agenda to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015

This report, which is issued pursuant to General Assembly resolution 64/184, presents information on progress made in achieving the Millennium Development Goals through a comprehensive review of successes, best practices and lessons learned, obstacles and gaps, and challenges and opportunities,...

In: Resources

Corporate Social Responsibility: Overview and Case Studies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of business especially for larger corporations. Their programs address issues of poverty, unfair labour practices and the environment alongside government programs and civil society activities. This article will showcase some...

In: Resources

From Challenge to Opportunity: The role of business in tomorrow's society

From Challenge to Opportunity: The role of business in tomorrow's society, a paper from the Tomorrow's Leaders group of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), presents a fresh perspective on the role of business in society. The paper sets out a model through which companies...

Interserve International

Through its offices in 17 different countries/regions, Interserve International sends Christian volunteers to work in the developing regions of Asia (South, Central and East) and the Arab World. In general, Interserve supports both long and short term volunteers in areas such as administration,...

In: Resources

Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships

Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships, a publication by the UN Global Compact Office, presents a case for partnering with the UN in addition to listing case studies of successful UN-business partnerships. The partnerships presented in the...

In: Stories

Through an initiative of ASGN, micro-credit and tourism save giraffes in Niger

ASGN (the Association to Safeguard the Giraffes of Niger) used grants from the Wildlife Protection Foundation in the UK and from the Zoo de Doue in France to set up a successful micro-credit scheme.

In: News

Trade, Aid or Traid? Getting it right with the private sector - May, 2008

We are regularly being asked to broaden Global Hand's services. While retaining our traditional 'matching' activity, many have enquired if Global Hand can support the wider engagement between for-profit and non-profit entities in today's landscape of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and...

Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life by transforming the global marketplace through education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action. RAN uses hard-hitting markets campaigns to align the policies of...

Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) - Tajikistan

Project HOPE's mission is to achieve sustainable advances in health care around the world. The essence of Project HOPE is teaching - the basis is partnership. Identifiable to many by the S.S. HOPE, the peacetime hospital ship, Project HOPE now conducts land-based medical training and health care...

Malindi Handcraft Co-operative Society

The Malindi Handcraft Co-operative Society was registered in 1986 under the Kenya Co-operative Act with a beginning membership of 30 highly skilled woodcarver artisans. The primary aim of the formation of the co-operative was to give the power of business ownership back to the people, in this case...

Associação Aliança Brasileira pela Doação de Órgãos e Tecidos (ADOTE)

Associação Aliança Brasileira pela Doação de Órgãos e Tecidos (ADOTE), the Brazilian Alliance for Organ and Tissue Donation, works to raise people's awareness about the importance of donating organs and tissues for transplants. ADOTE also develops and disseminates technical and scientific knowledge...