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Rob Cameron, CEO of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International

This commitment from Starbucks could not have come at a better time for coffee farmers as they face the threat of climate change, higher prices and brace themselves for a global slowdown. The partnership combines the expertise of Fairtrade in delivering grassroots-based farmer and consumer...
About 20,000 schools [in South Africa], with 10 million pupils, have no libraries and few books

"About 20,000 schools [in South Africa], with 10 million pupils, have no libraries and few books, even if they do have shelves." Community H.E.A.R.T.
Access to HIV prevention information and services

"Only about one in five people at risk for HIV have access to prevention information and services".
School facilities

"Most of South Africa's 32,000 schools have no libraries or laboratories. Most pupils have to study with too few desks and chairs, and without enough textbooks. School buildings are often ramshackle buildings that are unsafe for educational purposes."