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Ruma is a social enterprise that aims to empower the poor in Indonesia by providing pre-packaged business opportunities complete with an equipment package, a strong brand, marketing materials, initial training, ongoing mentoring and access to a supply chain. Its flagship microfranchise business,...

The Sustainability Consortium

The Sustainability Consortium is an organization of diverse global participants working to make the world more sustainable through better products, services and consumption. It develops and promotes science and integrated tools so that together informed decision making for product sustainability...

Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness

The Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness (CEPDE) is a Liberian NGO which aims to promote peace, human rights and effective development for disadvantaged communities and populations in Liberia, West Africa. CEPDE offers policy advocacy and capacity building in the areas of community...

Alliance for Development

Alliance for Development is a Ghanain NGO that works for sustainable development in four thematic areas: environment ggriculture and food; trade, employment and education; health and Energy; and governance, leadership and democracy.

Association de Jeunes Visionnaires pour Developpement du Congo AJVDC

Association de Jeunes Visionnaires pour le DĂ©veloppement du Congo (AJVDC) is a youth civic engagement framework, formation initiative and exchange framework that aims to promote youth entrepreneurship and peace, reconciliation and community resiliency in Eastern of Congo. Investment in creating...

Rwenzori Association For Vulnerable And Orphan Children

Rwenzori Association For Vulnerable And Orphan Children is a not-for-profit registered Community Based Organization (CBO) dedicated to promote and empower rural communities out of poverty, help HIV / AIDS affected children, war affected and disaster affected children and infected people, and to be...

Ambitious For Change Generations - Uganda

Ambitious For achange Generations - Uganda (A.C.G.U) is a community based organization based in Nsaggu village, Wakiso District, Uganda. The organization was established to transform the mindset of the youth to make them holistically self reliant and to make them ambassadors of change in their...

Know One Teach One

Know One Teach One (KOTO) is the first established social enterprise & the first vocational training program targeting disadvantaged youth in Vietnam. Since its inception in 1997, KOTO has seen over 1,200 disadvantaged youth in Vietnam graduate from the program, with a certificate in...

Lutheran World Relief (LWR)

Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is an international nonprofit organization specializing in International Development and Disaster Relief. LWR responds to emergencies worldwide, seeks lasting solutions to rural poverty, and works for peace and justice for all. It works with small-scale farmers to...

Oxfam UK - Thailand

Oxfam International is a development and relief agency that helps people in the struggle against poverty by finding lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice. Oxfam UK is part of Oxfam International, a confederation of 13 organisations working worldwide to combat poverty and to promote...

People's Recovery, Empowerment and Development Assistance Foundation, Inc. - PREDA

PREDA is a charitable organisation founded since 1974 in Olongapo City, Philippines. Its main goal is to promote and protect the dignity and the Human Rights of the Filipino people especially of women and children. The main focus of PREDA's work is to assist the sexually-exploited&abused...

CGAP Advancing Financial Access for the World's Poor

CGAP is an independent policy and research center dedicated to advancing financial access for the world's poor. It is supported by over 30 development agencies and private foundations who share a common mission to alleviate poverty. Housed at the World Bank, CGAP provides market intelligence,...

Japan Inclusive Business Support Centre

The Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) established the Japan Inclusive Business Support Centre in order to provide comprehensive support for inclusive business. The Centre helps to promote inclusive business among Japanese companies and conducts a wide range of activities for its...

Radiant Cosmetics

Radiant Cosmetic is a social enterprise whose mission is to garner awareness for human trafficking by raising funds through cosmetics, to provide resources for those on the forefront of change as well as victims of trafficking. Considering that the cosmetics industry generates $170 billion...

Empowerment for Sustainable Livelihood

The Empowerment for Sustainable Livelihood (EFSL) is a Ghanaian NGO that aims to promote small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and to encourage trade. The organisation is also interested in gender empowerment, environmental management, capacity building and sustainable development in Ghana and...

Stichting Betuwe Wereldwijd

Betuwe Wereldwijd is a non-profit foundation, and has been in existence for around 30 years. In their workshop, the foundation refurbishes used tools (sewing- and knitting machines, bicycles, computers and tools for technical professions), and send these to projects in developing countries. With...

Oxford Human Resource Consultants (Oxford HR)

Oxford Human Resource Consultants (Oxford HR) is a team of consultants providing recruitment search and selection services for the international development sector worldwide. Established in 1995, they have recruited experienced professionals for a wide range of senior and specialist...

Global Exchange

Global Exchange is an American human rights organisation dedicated to promoting environmental, political and social justice. The organisation campaigns on a wide range of issues, including fair trade and the green economy, aiming to educate the US public on relevant issues, and to influence...


COLORS is a social business that provides impoverished people across the world an opportunity to provide for themselves by teaching them creative skills, and also by providing an outlet to sell their hand-made goods. COLORS’ specific goal is to bring social injustices like human trafficking to...

Maiti Nepal

Maiti Nepal is a non-profit organization in Nepal, established in 1993 by a group of socially committed professionals, dedicated to helping victims of sex trafficking. Currently, it operates a rehabilitation home in Kathmandu, as well as transit homes at the Indo-Nepal border towns, preventive...