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Earthwatch and Anglo American formed a 'Sustainable Development Policy Support Partnership'

The partnership with Earthwatch and Anglo American enjoyed a pilot employee engagement programme in 2004, linking with their own internal training programme.
Partnership to help farmers in Africa increase crop yields and hope for the future

In 2005, Millennium Promise launched with a vision to end extreme poverty in our lifetime. As the leading international nonprofit organization solely committed to supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, Millennium Promise believes that innovative partnerships and an...
PwC employees support skills development programmes for young people

Since 2004, a number of PwC employees have supported unemployed youths on The Prince's Trust Team Programme, a personal development course.
ExxonMobil is partnering with SEED Foundation to promote sustaining global water supplies

Imperial Oil Limited, the Canadian affiliate of ExxonMobil, is partnering with the nonprofit Society, Environment and Energy Development Studies (SEEDS) Foundation to bring environmental education to secondary schools in Canada.
Haygrove establishes Gambia is Good to market fresh produce

Gambia is Good is a fresh produce marketing company which was conceived as a partnership between Haygrove Limited and Concern Universal, a leading development charity, with the purpose of linking small scale rural producers with the high value tourist market.
NIKE Village Development Project

Nike in partnership with the Population & Community Development Association (PDA) and local villages, established the ‘NIKE Village Development Project’ in Thailand.
Greenpeace and Marks & Spencer: Sustainable seafood procurement

Marks & Spencer (M&S) has adopted a Policy on Sustainable Sourcing of Fisheries Products, which applies to all seafood sold, including fish used as an ingredient. M&S came top of Greenpeace UK's Recipe for Disaster, a study of UK supermarkets, ranking them by their seafood policies.
Coffee sustainability : Kraft Foods and Rainforest Alliance

Kraft Foods has been working in the area of coffee sustainability for over a decade and announced a partnership with the Rainforest Alliance in 2003. Since then, this relationship has benefited more than 400,000 farmers and their families and communities on more than 85,000 hectares of farmland in...
Diageo publishes sustainable packaging guidelines

Diageo has published its first "Sustainable Packaging Guidelines". The Guidelines represent the company's global policy on ensuring that packaging is increasingly sustainable and reflect Diageo’s commitment to a holistic approach to reducing the company's overall impact on the environment across...
Unilever and WWF establish certification for sustainable fisheries

The MSC Standard by the Marine Stewardship Council is the only internationally recognised set of environmental principles for assessing fisheries to establish whether they are well managed and sustainable. The MSC is an independent, global, non-profit organisation which was set up to find a...
Unilever commits to purchase all of its tea from sustainable and ethical sources

Since 1999, the Unilever Corporation, a Europe-based international conglomerate, has been executing a pilot program on its tea estates in Kericho, Kenya. The program is part of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform, a food industry initiative to actively support the development of...
Starbucks™ Shared Planet™ commitment to ethical sourcing

The Fairtrade Foundation UK and Fairtrade Mark Ireland are members of Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO) which joins Conservation International (CI) and the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) as partners in the Starbucks™ Shared Planet™ commitment to ethical sourcing.
New fund launched in Vietnam for business projects that benefit the poor

The Vietnam Challenge Fund (VNCF) Project is supported and financed by the Ford Foundation and is managed by the Enterprise Development Foundation (Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry). VNCF provides non-refundable grants to enterprises to finance parts of their innovative projects in order to...
Ernst & Young (E&Y) helps to improve social conditions in the developing world

Through the Corporate Responsibility Fellows program, Ernst & Young is dedicating its best resources - talented, experienced people - to improving the success of promising entrepreneurs in underserved communities, to help create scalable sustainable economic value.
A sucessful community/private/public partnership model for waste recycling in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the large proportion of urban population combined with limited waste collection systems poses serious social, environmental and health problems. A social enterprise called Waste Concern has found a way to transform solid waste into organic compost using a low cost, low-tech and...
Saraman partners to provide affordable and green earthquake-Safe Schools and Housing
Housing is a major challenge for the rising young population of developing countries. For households who have their dwelling as their main asset and shelter, the robustness of the construction is crucial, especially in earthquake-prone areas. Yet, in low-income markets, conventional construction...
Building NGO capacity for pipeline monitoring and audit in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, BP and the Open Society Institute-Assistance Foundation are working together to support national NGOs' capacity development through facilitated monitoring and audit of the Baku-Ceyhan-Tbilisi and the South Caucasus Pipeline projects.
PwC helped Fundacion Paraguaya to develop a strategy and business plan for their work in microfinance and education

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) partnered with Fundacion Paraguaya to develop a strategy and business plan for the organisation.
Timberland partners with Verite to incorporate a Code of Conduct into supplier's internal management system.

Timberland partners with Verite, an independent nonprofit social auditing, training, and research organization, to ensure that working conditions around the world are fair, legal and safe.
Starbucks and Fairtrade partner in Rwanda

Starbucks, Fairtrade organisations join in sustainable development efforts in Rwanda; new Rwanda Fairtrade Certified Coffee coming to UK Starbucks in 2010; business forum explores entrepreneurial spirit focusing on responsible capitalism.