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UN Global Compact Principles

The UN Global Compact Principles document consists of 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption that the Global Compact asks companies to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere of influence.
Business Contributions to UN Emergency Relief Efforts: An Orientation Guide

Business Contributions to UN Emergency Relief Efforts: An Orientation Guide describes the role of various UN agencies during an emergency, and identifies ways in which companies can support relief efforts in a timely and appropriate manner, through cash contributions, in-kind donations, or...
Inclusive Business: Profitable business for successful development

Inclusive Business: Profitable business for successful development, a paper published by The Alliance for Inclusive Business and the WBCSD, defines Inclusive Business as one that seeks to contribute to poverty alleviation by including lower-income communities within its value chain while not losing...
Business UNusual

Business UNusual, a collaborative publication of the United Nations Global Compact Office and the Global Public Policy Institute, provides an overview of recent partnership activities in the United Nations, as well as the challenges the UN faces in its efforts to engage the private sector and...
WBCSD Annual Review 2010/2011

WBCSD’s 2010/2011 Annual Review looks back at the activities carried out in the past year and reflects on the challenges ahead. The review uses Vision 2050 as the red thread to show how the WBCSD’s work programme aligns with the pathway it describes, and the role of business in moving toward a...
Pfizer Global Health Fellows: Expanding Access to Healthcare Through Cross-Sector Partnerships

Pfizer Global Health Fellows: Expanding Access to Healthcare Through Cross-Sector Partnerships, a case study, evaluates the response of Pfizer Inc. to the HIV/AIDs endemic. It focuses on the efforts of the its Fellows Program to support HIV/AIDS service NGOs in developing countries. In this...
Business group supports sustainability via the market economy

Business group supports sustainability via the market economy, a report issued by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, shows how open, transparent markets can drive sustainability. The report also makes the business case for implementing sustainable practices and outlines seven...
Fighting Corruption: What Role for Civil Society? The Experience of the OECD

Fighting Corruption: What Role for Civil Society? The Experience of the OECD, a OECD report, provides an analysis of civil society's role in the process which led to the adoption of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. It also shows...
Business Case for Employee Volunteering: Race for Mentors -A Tripartite Relationship

Business Case for Employee Volunteering, a project report of Credit Suisse First Boston's engagement with students from a secondary school, shows how powerful and rewarding the experience was for all involved - to business, its employees and the community. It presents a clear business case for...
Mining minerals and sustainable development in Southern Africa

Report of the regional mining minerals and sustainable development process: Volume 1 focuses on the unique problems and opportunities of the South African mining context. It identifies the current trends in mining and makes future projections for growing sustainability efforts in this sector.
Business guide to development actors

Business guide to development actors, a report, provides guidance to development actors who aim to introduce the business community to potential partners in the development community. The main part of this guide consists of profiles of 30 organisations already engaging in collaboration with the...
Conference on global poverty: business solutions and approaches

Business Solutions and Approaches, a Harvard Business School conference on global poverty, explored ways in which serving the poor can be both a profitable business proposition and help improve the lives of the world's impoverished men and women. The conference focused on successful business...
Towards Global Partnerships

Towards Global Partnerships, a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly, encourages partnerships between the UN and the private sector, outlines the principles that should govern such partnerships, and stresses the important role that the private sector can play in encouraging development and...
Sustainability Reporting Toolkit

The Sustainability Reporting Toolkit aims to assist companies in learning about sustainability reporting, assessing the need to report, and creating an effective report. The Toolkit contains: * general information to assist in setting the stage for a sustainability report; * guidance for...
Business and Poverty: Opening markets to the poor

Business and Poverty: Opening markets to the Poor, an issue of Development Outreach published by the World Bank Institute, discusses how companies can operate profitably in emerging market economies, while enhancing the well-being of the poor by nurturing them as producers and consumers. The...
Unleashing Entrepreneurship: Making Business Work for the Poor

Unleashing Entrepreneurship: Making Business Work for the Poor, a report to the UN Secretary-General, addresses how the potential of the private sector and entrepreneurship can be unleashed in developing countries, and how the existing private sector can be engaged in meeting this challenge. The...
Implementing sustainable private sector development: Striving for tangible results for the poor

The key challenge for private sector development in 2006 is showing tangible, significant results in poverty eradication. Donors, researchers and practitioners have been challenged to focus on making markets work for the poor to consider the underlying rationale of market development strategies and...
Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle

Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle was offered as a means of stimulating discussion about partnerships at the World Economic Forum's 2003 Meeting in Davos. The document attempts to define public-private partnerships, provide examples of such partnerships and suggest questions that...
Partnering for Development - Making it Happen

Partnering for Development - Making it Happen, a booklet, builds on the report from the Commission on the Private Sector and Development and looks at three areas of engagement: the development of commercially sustainable business models that can be expanded and replicated; the reform of laws,...
Tourism industry and poverty reduction: A business primer

Tourism industry and poverty reduction: A business primer, a policy briefing paper, explains why poverty does matter to tourism businesses and describes what companies – both in the originating and destination countries – can do to contribute to the global effort on poverty reduction.