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Inclusive Business - a Seminar for Innovations Against Poverty

The term 'inclusive business' refers to profitable core business activity that also tangibly expands opportunities for the poor and disadvantaged in developing countries.
Meeting the Challenge of Expanding Inclusive Business

Most people interested in inclusive business have heard the success stories: Coca-Cola has generated $550 million in additional revenues by integrating local entrepreneurs into their beverage distribution chain in markets across Africa. Vodafone – one of the world’s largest telecommunications firm...
HAP 2010 Standard

The HAP Standard is a practical and measurable tool that represents a broad consensus of what matters most in humanitarian action. The Standard helps organisations design, implement, assess, improve and recognise accountable programmes. Being accountable to crisis-affected communities helps...
Making Private Standards Work for You: A guide to private standards in the garments, footwear and furniture sectors

Buyers and producers are faced with many overlapping but non-aligned standards. According to some estimates, more than 1,000 codes of conduct and management systems exist. But most companies in developing countries do not have much tangible information. “Making Private Standards Work for You: A...
Updates | ReliefWeb
This useful website by ReliefWeb is a freely accessible on-line database providing information (documents and maps) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. Depending on a country’s emergency situation, ReliefWeb may post updates on a continuous (24-hour) basis.
OCHA Central Register

In December 1991, the General Assembly requested the United Nations to "establish a central register of all specialized personnel and teams of technical specialists, as well as relief supplies, equipment and services available within the United Nations system and from Governments and...
Supply Chain Sustainability - A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement for Small and Medium Enterprises

This two-page guide offers baseline definitions and practical steps that SMEs can take toward effective management of the social, environmental and economic impacts of supply chains. More information can be found on the website of the United Nations Global Impact Office. The organisation offers...
Toolbook Series: developing Partnership Initiatives

The Toolbook Series, published by the Partnership Initiative, is developed from action research and in close collaboration with practitioners worldwide. The aim of the toolbooks is to enable a flexibility of application across cultures and sectors.
The Partnering Toolbook

The Partnering Toolbook offers a concise overview of the essential elements that make for effective partnering.
The Brokering Guidebook - a guide to navigating effective sustainable development partnerships

The Brokering Guidebook, produced by IBLF in collaboration with Rio Tinto, UNDP and the UN System Staff College, illuminates the critical role played by brokers in a cross-sector partnership, and outlines the many tasks that a broker may have to carry out during the life of a partnership.
The Case Study Toolbook - Partnership case studies as a tool for change

The Case Study Toolbook aims to provide insights into the process of successful cross-sector partnering, create better case study collection and dissemination methods and deepen understanding of how case studies may be used more effectively as tools for change.
Talking the Walk - A Communication Manual for Partnership Practitioners

Talking the Walk is a toolbook for partnership practitioners from all sectors, to enable them to understand the importance of good communication to their work, and to help them develop techniques to improve their communications - both inside, and beyond, the partnership.
Moving On Toolbook - a guide to effective management of partnership exits and transitions

The Moving On Toolbook, produced in collaboration with Vodafone, UK Foundation and Nike, is the fifth in the series, and focuses on the exit aspects of a partnership. It also looks at the indications of success that can be associated with exits, achieving goals and reaching conclusions.
Community-Business Partnerships Help Sheets

These help sheets, designed by the Australian Institute of Corporate Responsibility, are designed to take users through the main steps of initiating, nurturing and expanding community-business partnerships.
Opportunities for the Majority: Bank initiative that promotes and finances private sector business models

The Opportunities for the Majority (OMJ) Initiative promotes and finances market-based, sustainable business models that engage private sector companies, local governments and communities in the development and delivery of quality products and services for the majority of the population of Latin...
The Responsible Investor’s Guide to Commodities: An overview of best practices across commodity-exposed asset classes

“The responsible investor’s guide to commodities” concludes a multi-year project sponsored by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the UN Global Compact Secretariat. The goal of this work was to improve the understanding of...
Bellagio Initiative Summit

The Bellagio Initiative aims to contribute to the development of a new framework for philanthropic and international development collaboration in pursuit of human wellbeing in the 21st century. Following a summit held in Italy, the Initiative published an aide memoire capturing the three key...
A discussion paper on social intrapreneurship

This paper produced by the Doughty Centre at the Cranfield University examines the potential value of social intrapreneurship, and provisionally defines a social intrapreneur as "a person within a large corporation who takes direct initiative for innovation which addresses social or environmental...
Scaling Up Inclusive Business: Advancing the Knowledge and Action Agenda

This is a report produced for the International Finance Corporation. It is based on 14 IFC client case studies and draws on other research undertaken by IFC and the CSR Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School on inclusive business, including recent research supported by the Bill & Melinda...
A briefing note for supply chain managers & technical end users on oil, gas and mining (OGM) projects

This briefing note provides supply chain managers and technical end users on oil, gas and mining (OGM) projects in low income countries with practical guidance on maximising the involvement of local enterprises in the project supply chain.