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Discarded bicycles
"Every year Americans buy 14 million new bicycles and discard 5 million old ones, leaving many more of them abandoned and unused in basements, sheds and garages across the United States. Meanwhile, poor people in the developing third world countries need cheap, non-polluting transportation to get...
"According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2004 statistics, more than 30 percent of the population is hungry in more than 70 developing countries. Of the total number of undernourished, 519 million live in Asia and the Pacific."
Poverty deprives of human rights
Poverty is more than material deprivation for children, as it also includes deficiencies in other vital elements of human rights - such as rest and recreation and protection from violence and conflict.
Textile tonnes of household waste
"Textiles represent between 3% - 5% of household waste and estimates for arisings of textile waste vary between 550,000 tonnes and 900,000 tonnes each year".
Wasted computers
Every year in the UK over 3 million fully functioning computers are thrown out and most of them end up in landfill sites, and it is estimated that over 50 million are dumped throughout the world. But even today there are still 40% of UK households that do not have a computer, which means that...
Excess and need of spectacles
There are 200 million people in the world who only need a pair of spectacles to live an ordinary life. Over one million old unused pairs of spectacles are lying about in homes in the UK and the US.
Obsolete computers
"The number of personal computers that become obsolete every year is expected to rise steadily to 61.3 million by 2007."
Obsolete computers
"Over 20 million personal computers became obsolete in 1998, but only 13 percent were reused or recycled."
"The fact that more than 800 million people in the world remain chronically hungry in spite of the success of farmers in generating enough food to meet everyone's needs, implies that there are serious imperfections in the way we are handling our responsibilities and exercising our stewardship of...
Food security
" Progress towards the goal of universal food security is impeded by the absence of well-functioning marketing, processing and distribution systems." World Food Summit 1996
Americans waste almost 25% of all the food produced in the U.S each year
“According to the USDA, Americans waste almost 25% of all the food produced in the U.S each year.”
Chronically undernourished people
"The number of people who are chronically undernourished decreased by 100 million in 37 countries, but it increased by almost 60 million in the rest of the developing world."
Discarded medical supplies
" Every year, the U.S. health care system discards more than $6 billion worth of medical supplies and equipment."
Excess medical product
"Each year, operating rooms in the United States throw out over $250 million worth of unused medical equipment. At the same time, in much of the world, people wash by hand and reuse such common medical items as surgical gloves."
Food wasted compared to food needed
Every year more than 350 billion pounds (160 billion kg) of edible food is available for human consumption in the United States. Of that total, nearly 100 billion pounds (45 billion kg) --including fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, and grain products -- are lost to waste by retailers, restaurants,...
Wasted computers
"Between 2003-2005, 315-680 million computers are expected to become obsolete in the U.S. Over 90% of discarded computers are stockpiled, sent to landfills or incinerators, or exported as hazardous waste. The vast majority (80%) are destined for landfills. About 50% of computers that are recycled...
Poverty related illnesses
"Over 11 million children will die from poverty related illnesses this year alone."
School facilities
"Most of South Africa's 32,000 schools have no libraries or laboratories. Most pupils have to study with too few desks and chairs, and without enough textbooks. School buildings are often ramshackle buildings that are unsafe for educational purposes."