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Village Outreach Trust

Village Outreach Trust is a program of the Dar Es Salaam Pentecostal Missionary Church to alleviate poverty, care for orphans, assist refugees, and provide shelter and education to homeless children. The organization works towards Reaching rural villages and un-reached peoples with the gospel of...
Family Federation For World Peace

The Family Federation For World Peace promotes the building of successful families. It creates community networks of people, holding regular meetings, for study, discussion, meditation and recreation.
SolarElectro Co. Ltd.
SolarElectro provides affordable solar energy and LED products to support rural schools, health centres, women groups, religious institutions and all other groups involved in poverty eradication and development.
SWAP Trust

SWAP Trust is devoted to serving the less fortunate in India, especially widows and orphans. Projects include running a school and home for former child laborers, orphans, and boys separated from their families.

HARITIKA works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and other handicaps. With multifaceted development interventions, HARITIKA strives to bring about positive change in the quality of life of the poor people of BUNDELKHAND region of UP and MP. HARITIKA...
Feed The Children Uganda
Feed The Children Uganda supports former street children, orphans and other needy members of society.
Child Support Uganda (CSU)
Child Support Uganda (formerly Orphans for Christ in Africa), is a non-sectarian, non-denominational Christian NGO caring for orphans, vulnerable children and disadvantaged youth and poor communities in Uganda, East Africa. CSU advocates for and promotes the rights and welfare of orphans and...
Roland Clinic

Roland Clinic is a non-governmental organisation which works to enhance the living and health standards of poor families in Gambia.

PREED is the acronym for people’s organization for Rural Health, Education and Economic Development. It aims to achieve sustained development in India through the participation of rural and tribal communities in the empowerment of women, promotion of reproductive health, gender equity, social...
Jimma University

Jimma University (JU) is a the first community oriented institute of higher education in Ethiopia. Located in Jimma, a city 335 km. southwest of Addis Ababa, the university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and aims, in particular, to train professionals working in...
British Airports Authority (BAA)

The British Airports Authority (BAA) is a large and complex company that touches almost every area of airport life - from day-to-day security and retail, to strategy and investment. BAA is the world’s leading airport company, and they own seven United Kingdom airports and have management contracts...
Hubert & Aubrey International Co Ltd

Hubert&Aubrey International Co Ltd provides air and ocean freight, customs brokerage, and warehousing. The Company is also involved with enviromental disludging technology and is a distributor of bio-enzymes products.
Neilson Active Holidays

Part of the Thomas Cook Group, Neilson Active Holidays are specialists in providing adventure holidays. Catering for individuals, families and groups of any skill (beginner to expert), typical trips offered include snowboarding, diving, windsurfing and mountain biking.
Talented Youths International (TYI)

Talented Youths International (TYI) is a not-for-profit organisation created to help plan initiatives on sustainable development amongst the youth of Nigeria, and internationally. With the aim of creating an information society at the grassroots of society, TYI raises youth awareness through...
Rotary Club of Teresa

Rotary International District 3800 in Metro Manila, Philippines consists of 89 Rotary Clubs. Rotary is a worldwide Organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the...
Free Geek Olympia
Free Geek Olympia is a non-profit all volunteer organisation based in Olympia, Washington. The organisation recycles used technology to provide computers, education and internet access to people in need in exchange for volunteering. The organisation also provides free computers, technical support,...
University Women's Association, Singapore (UWAS)

The University Women's Association, Singapore (UWAS), advocates improvement in the status of women and girls through the promotion of lifelong education, and enabling graduate women to use their expertise to effect change. The organisation provides its members with study grants, a global network...
Seva Foundation

Seva (say-va, the Sanskrit word for service), was established to alleviate suffering caused by disease and poverty through the building of partnerships responsive to locally defined problems (with culturally sustainable solutions). Organisational programmes include initiatives to prevent blindness...
Madagascar Dream

Madagascar Dream is an NGO working in one of the poorest countries of the world. Since 2002 the organization have been involved in Madagascar helping local orphanages, women with small children in the women’s prison, juveniles in detention and other poor people. In 2009 they have started helping a...
Bapuji Rural Enlightenment and Development Society (BREDS)

Bapuji Rural Enlightenment and Development Society works to help dalits and tribal communities. Their mission is to capacitate the communities to become better informed and enlightened of their rights and choices in order to control the environment, resources, and levels of power by...