3.2 Legal Issues

Global Hand recommends InterAction’s PVO Standards (InterAction), where applicable to legal issues.

The following is designed to be read in light of Principles, and Cross-referential Issues.

Information Sources? Please see our Reference Material to read, in full, those documents from which our draft standards are drawn. Feedback? We would be grateful to hear from you if you have:
  • Relevant resources
  • Comments or suggestions or stories
  • Stories of product unwisely/wisely placed.

Please email us at enquiries@globalhand.org

3.2 Legal issues

Global Hand recommends InterAction’s PVO Standards (InterAction), where applicable to legal issues.


“All activities shall be conducted within applicable laws.”
The above standard is accompanied by the following guideline. Governance Standard: 2.7, Interaction PVO Standards


“With reference to section 2.7 of the Standards [InterAction PVO Standards], it is recognised that some organisations, as a matter of conscience, may, as policy, choose not to follow certain laws.” Guidelines Standard: 10.0, Interaction PVO Standards

See InterAction’s PVO Standards for further detail.