Community development
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Pfizer's Global Health Fellows Programme - an established and comprehensive cross-border service initiative

Pfizer’s Global Health Fellows Program (GHF) is an international corporate volunteer program that places Pfizer colleagues in three to six month assignments with international development organizations designed to address global health issues and improve care for underserved populations.
Becton, Dickinson and Company(BD) launches cross-border volunteer programme to improve medical services in Ghana and Zambia

BD's launched a cross-border volunteer programme in 2005 in partnership with the Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and Direct Relief International.
General Electric Company brings business know-how to Girls Inc. Dallas

The General Electric Company's (GE) partnership with Girls Inc. Dallas has provided Girls Inc. Dallas with both financial support and with volunteers to help the NGO improve its delivery of services.
Accenture works with VSO on its corporate volunteering programme
Accenture's Voluntary Services Overseas/Business Partnership Scheme (VBP) sends its consultants to work with nonprofits and governments on business, management, and technology issues.
The Evolution of Starbucks’ Strategic International Corporate Volunteering Programme
The evolution of Starbucks’ programme is an instructive case study for corporations seeking to migrate their International Corporate Volunteering (ICV) effort from general business impact to a more strategic approach. While Starbucks’ overall ICV strategy is still being developed, in a short...
Venture capital for low-income markets in Latin America and the Caribbean

Investing in housing, healthcare, education, basic utilities and nutrition can not only fulfill a social mission, but can also be a profitable business venture.
ITT partners with Mercy Corps to provide emergency relief

ITT Corporation announced a strategic partnership with Mercy Corps as part of its corporate philanthropy program, ITT Watermark. The partnership includes a three-year, $1 million commitment to help provide safe water during emergencies created by natural catastrophes such as floods, droughts and...
The Centre for Self-Help Development: A Nepalese Microfinance Success Story

Microfinance programs are helping reduce both urban and rural poverty across Nepal in what amounts to a micro-finance revolution.
Freedom from Hunger’s Benkadi Tongorongo association provides micro loans and group support in Mali

In rural Mali, Miama sells rice to support her family, thanks to both a microloan and the group support she receives from Freedom from Hunger's Benkadi Tongorongo association.
Jackson Foundation finances the construction of ramps for people with disabilities

The Jackson Purchase Resource Conservation and Development Foundation has joined with the Reidland Methodist Men to assist people with disabilities.