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In: Stories

Hong Kong Bank Foundation supports dyslexic students

The Hongkong Bank Foundation supports the renovation of a learning and development centre for dyslexic students with a sizeable donation of HK$3.7 million, providing Hong Kong with the first one-stop service meeting the needs of some 1,000 dyslexic students and their parents in the community...

In: Stories

Jonas Foundation promotes social inclusion of children with disabilities in Armenia

The Jonas Foundation, a Swiss charity that supports people with disabilities and other marginalised groups, has established a partnership with the Human Dignity and Peace Foundation (HDP), an Armenian NGO involved with work for children with disabilities.

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Extending women enterpreneurship in India

To reach populations in remote areas, Hindustan Unilever has recruited and trained women in rural areas to act as direct sales operators. This led to the creation of Project Shakti in India which is now being extended to other countries as well.

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Fighting poverty through micro-credit

Mr Wolfonsohn said micro-finance had made a powerful impact on improving poor people's livelihood and was crucial in reducing poverty in poor countries.

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Quick Response to Asian Tsunami: ITT

When the tsunami hit southern Asia on 26 December 2004, International Telephone & Telegraph (ITT) industries announced that it would donate water purifying equipment and expertise to some of the areas hit hardest by the tsunami and contribute financial aid to the global humanitarian relief...

In: Stories

Southern Water supports WaterAid in a variety of ways

Southern Water, its employees and customers have supported WaterAid since 1981, promoting WaterAid through organising and taking part in fundraising events and making donations.

In: Stories

Western Union takes microfinance route for rural spread

In 2009, money transfer company, Western Union, tied up with microfinance institutions (MFIs) and e-governance service providers to facilitate financial inclusion in India.

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Danone focuses on providing and promoting affordable dairy products in India

Since 2009, Groupe Danone, the $18-billion French dairy company, has been developing strategies for India by leveraging on its experience, involving easily affordable dairy products, in Bangladesh.

In: Stories

Timberland and GreenNet reduce desertification in China

Timberland Japan and GreenNet have partnered to reduce desertification in Horqin, China. In 2001, Timberland started on one of its community service projects to support greening activities in China's Horqin Desert that is situated in Inner Mongolia, through Japan based non-profit organisation -...

In: Stories

Safe Kids Walk This Way and FedEx promote child pedestrian safety.

Together with Safe Kids Worldwide, FedEx established the Safe Kids Walk This Way program to teach safe behaviors to motorists and child pedestrians and create safer, more walkable communities. The goal of the joint initiative is to prevent pedestrian-related injury to children.

In: Stories

Earthquake Disaster Reduction in Turkey

In 2000, following a major earthquake in Turkey, Arup joined five other British engineering and construction firms operating in the country to form the British Earthquake Consortium for Turkey (BECT).

In: Stories

ITU and Thuraya forge partnership for portable satellite terminals.

In July 2006, the International Telecommunication Union and United Arab Emirates' Thuraya Satellite cooperate to provide portable satellites for disaster relief to government authorities, rescue teams and humanitarian agencies for relief and rehabilitation efforts.

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Fair Trade group builds links with supermarkets

The Advocate for Philippine Fair Trade, Inc. (APFTI) is now working on expanding the market reach of Fair Trade products in the Philippines, through a strong partnership with supermarket associations in the country.

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Financial inclusion improves Sanitation and Health (FINISH)

FINISH is an action research project set up by UNU-MERIT a research and training centre of the United Nations University in Holland, working in close collaboration with the University of Maastricht.

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Bayer supports NGOs to fight child labor and develop educational facilities

Bayer actively supports organisations such as the Abrinq Foundation for Children's Rights in Brazil, and the Naandi Foundation in India in the fight against child labor.

In: Stories

Barclays partners with TCF to support schools in Pakistan

In December 2008, Barclays Pakistan partnered with TCF, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality formal education in a conducive learning environment, to support their efforts in making education affordable to masses by a contribution of over Rs. 4.65 million (GBP 39,010) for a year.

In: Stories

In collaboration with CARE Africa, Barclays support its microfinance pilot program in Uganda

Barclays bank has announced a three year, USD 20 million funding plan to support microfinance programs in ten countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America. The program will include the expansion of existing community-based financial services, as well as the introduction of new microfinance...

Bread Society (Backward Rural Enlightenment Assistance Disabled )

The Bread Society (Backward Rural Enlightenment Assistance Disabled) is an Indian NGO that works with the rural poor in coastal villages and slums. Its target groups include people with disabilities, the elderly, and people with leprosy. The Society provides food and other basic needs including...

Infant Jesus International School Ambernath

The Infant Jesus International School in Ambernath, Mumbai is a Catholic institution that provides quality education for children from play group to standard 7. The school is currently looking for funds to extend its premises.

In: Stories

The Bank of the Canton of Vaud and Terre Des Hommes combine to help the children of Switzerland and other Countries.

The Bank of the Canton of Vaud(BCV) and Terre des hommes cooperate in supporting children at a national and international level.