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Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief

The Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) provides humanitarian relief to orphaned Armenian children and adults with disabilities throughout the world. Working with a trusted network of in-country staff and a cadre of global volunteers, SOAR provides this institutionalized population with the...


Udyama is an Indian NGO in Orissa, working in food security and sustainable rural livelihoods focused action and advocacy. The organization aims to strengthen food security and livelihoods through restoration and sustainable management of natural resources, capacity building of local communities...

International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY)

IYCY is a leading, independent and neutral non-governmental organization, working nationwide at different levels to promote equitable, inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable development, deliver humanitarian assistances, and other relevant interventions for a better life and wellbeing of...

GAiN Korea

GAiN is a global network that connects people suffering from poverty and hunger to the living hope, starting with humanitarian relief activities for those suffering from severe economic difficulties due to the dissolution of the former Soviet Union in the 1990s, and 10 countries, including Korea,...

JBC Social Service Centre Limited

JBC SOCIAL SERVICE CENTRE LIMITED (佐浸社會服務中心) is a self-financing social service organization to achieve social mission "Caring the need, Support the weak" with the love of God for serving underprivileged through social inclusion works.

Direction Association for the Handicapped

Direction Association for the Handicapped is a group of people with severe physical impairment who share the spirit of “Mutual-help and Self-help”. This association supports the integration of members back to the community so that they can live in the community with happiness and confidence.

Development & Empowerment Society (DES)

Development & Empowerment Society has been registered under the society’s registration act XXI of 1860 with registered number 1194. There are many trades offered by the institute such as sewing, hand embroidery, stitching, and other women households based course to utilize their skills by...

Y-Source International (Hong Kong) Limited

Y-Source International (Hong Kong) Limited is an international freight forwarding company. The company primarily concentrates on airfreight, oceanfreight and railway freight transportation worldwide as well as customs brokerage and worldwide project business.

Al-Mashriq Public School Sermik (AMPS), Sermik

Background: Baltistan lies on a remote corner of Pakistan, being a poor and deprive area its problems regarding poverty, unemployment, education, health, human resource developments and social developments are not hearing seriously by the government and other responsible organizations. Thus the...

Arasan Rural Development Society

Arasan Rural Development Society (ARDS), is a non-profit, non-political and charitable grass-root level organization. ARDS has been working last 3 decades for the welfare and development of the poor and weaker sections of the society empowerment of women, education to children and care and...

Forum for Development Association (FFDA)

The Forum for Development Association (FFDA) is an NGO in Bangladesh. The organisation implements developmental activities designed to upgrade the socio-economic status of disadvantaged communities through improved skill development and capacity building.

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society is an NGO in West Bengal. The Society aims to help needy people achieve and sustain a better quality of life and to strengthen their involvement and their rights and responsibilities in regard to the development of the country.

Integrated Rural Development Foundation (IRDF)

Integrated Rural Development Foundation – IRDF is a non-government non-profitable and non-political local development organization established in 1998. IRDF, started its journey on 1 January, 1998 for helping the poor and meritorious students in the locality through distribution of books, clothes...

Literates Welfare Association (LAW)

The Literates Welfare Association (LAW) is an NGO in Tamilnadu, India, working for the welfare of the downtrodden especially dalits, women, marginal landholders, landless peasants, and underprivileged children. Among the current programmes sponsored by the organisation are the following:...

World In Need Philippines Verified non-profit organisation

World in Need Philippines is a non-profit, humanitarian relief and development agency devoted to changing attitudes all over the globe through aid (community and youth development) and education (Restored Lives Child Sponsorship Programme). World in Need Philippines is a part of a global network...

Salariin Kampuchea - Schools in Cambodia Verified non-profit organisation

Salariin Kampuchea is a Cambodian NGO that provides high quality, free-of-charge, non-formal education to more than 300 children and youth from disadvantaged families in Siem Reap. The organisation engages the community in the value of education and encourages parents to support their children’s...

The Centre for Child Rights and Business

The Centre for Child Rights and Business (formerly CCR CSR) is a leading centre on child rights and business. The Centre supports businesses to deliver improvements within their supply chains that not only benefit workers, families and children, but also deliver positive business outcomes. The...

International Centre For Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV)

Background Information ICENECDEV (International Center for Environmental Education & Community Development) was established in 2005, with registration number: 43/G.37/D.14/1/ VOL.BAPP/ in accordance of law Number. 90/53 of December 1990 under article 7 relating to the formation,...

Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS)

The Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS) is an Indian NGO based in Andhra Pradesh. The organization provides services in the fields of education, health and housing, water and sanitation, environment, rural development and animal welfare,disaster management...

Gospel Outreach Mission (GOM)

Gospel Outreach Mission is a faith based outreach mission with a commitment to evangelize the various tribal people of Myanmar. The organisation is also involved in childcare and education, rural and community development and the production and distribution of literature within the country.