Middle East
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The Bank of the Canton of Vaud and Terre Des Hommes combine to help the children of Switzerland and other Countries.

The Bank of the Canton of Vaud(BCV) and Terre des hommes cooperate in supporting children at a national and international level.
Teleperformance promoted Terre Des Hommes' sale of oranges.

Since 2009, Teleperformance Switzerland launched a Switzerland wide sale by telephone, to promote the sale of oranges of the NGO Terre Des Hommes-Child Relief.
ConocoPhillips signed the Gold Sponsorship deal for ROTA's Wheels 'n' Heels

In February 2008, ConocoPhillips Ltd Qatar was the exclusive Gold Sponsor of Qatar-based NGO Reach Out To Asia, ROTA’s, third Wheels 'n' Heels community fun day.
Coca-Cola joins the fight against HIV/AIDS

Coca-Cola has developed a range of awareness raising initiatives for HIV/AIDS. Working with a range of NGO partners, its programs have reached at risk people in 11 countries.
Lex Mundi Legal Services Allows Social Entrepreneurs To Use Their Top-class Legal Expertise Pro Bono

The Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation calls upon Lex Mundi's unique global network of 160 top tier business law firms to provide legal assistance to 'social entrepreneurs' on a pro bono basis. By providing social entrepreneurs with access to critically needed legal assistance, the foundation joins the...
Freshfields provides necessary assistance to Crossroads as they ship much-needed goods to aid marginalized populations

The Freshfields Hong Kong office holds volunteer days for Crossroads Foundation, a relief agency that ships goods donated by Hong Kong residents to marginalized populations in Asia, Africa, South America and Europe. The office sends personnel to volunteer on a weekly basis to help the charity sort...
Nau works with Mercy Corps in its "Partner for Change" programme

Mercy Corps have been selected by Nau for its "Partner for Change" program, which means that whenever a customer makes a purchase, they donate 2 percent of the sale to Mercy Corps and other nonprofit Partners for Change.
Boeing helps critical Mercy Corps programs get off the ground

Immediately following the the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Boeing committed $1 million to tsunami relief efforts, split among three humanitarian organisations including Mercy Corps.
Partnering with Mercy Corps, Nike is helping to build better, healthier communities.

Nike has been working closely with Mercy Corps, aiding in their efforts to use sports - particularly soccer - as a method of community rebuilding and to bring hope to the world's youth.
Co-operative Bank offers 'WaterAid credit card' to raise money for WaterAid

In partnership with WaterAid, Co-operative Bank offers the public a WaterAid credit card. To date over 2000 WaterAid Credit Cards have been issued raising over£90,000 for water, sanitation and hygiene projects that have benefited many people in the world's poorest countries.
Woodmansterne and Paperchase support WaterAid through the sale of Christmas card

Paperchase and Woodmansterne have been supporting WaterAid through the sale of an exclusive range of Christmas cards. Their contributions have enabled the world's poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education.
Partnering with WaterAid, One Queen Anne's Gate helped people to have access to safe water and sanitation

Through their meeting and conference rooms in the heart of Westminster, London, One Queen Anne's Gate is supporting Tap into WaterAid.
Coca-Cola develop community water partnerships with NGOs

Coca-Cola collaborates with UNDP, USAID, Global Water Challenge, PlayPumps International, CARE, Ocean Conservancy and others to protect watersheds and support initiatives that bring clean water and sanitation to under-served areas.
Cisco works together with Relief International to support rural enterprise in Lebanon

Cisco is partnering with Relief International to implement the Cisco Rural Enterprise Development for Information Technology (CREDIT) program. This program extends small loans to entrepreneurs wanting to start new IT and Internet access-related businesses in rural areas of Lebanon.
Cisco supports NEPAD E-Schools demonstration project

Cisco is a key participant in the New Partnership for Africa's Development of e-Schools by contributing with both people and financial resources to implement information and communication technology in educational institutions across the continent.
Kodak supported Bam Project in partnership with NGOs

On 26th December 2003, Bam City was devastated by an enormous earthquake. exhibition marking the first anniversary of the earthquake. Five months later, Picture People, a UK based Charitable Trust, went to Bam and began the 'Bam Project'.