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Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia (Indonesia Red Crescent Foundation)

Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia (Indonesia Red Crescent Foundation) was established in June 2002. Its mission is to assist in disaster relief and to help in Indonesian conflict areas.

UNDP Indonesia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Indonesia is committed to reduce poverty through connecting strategic policy initiatives with practical interventions focused on decentralisation, HIV/AIDS, gender equity, and the potential of information and communication technologies. The focus...

Komite Kemanusiaan Indonesia

Komite Kemanusiaan Indonesia (Indonesia Humanitarian Committee) co-founded by Miranda Gultom, current Senior Deputy of the Bank Indonesia.

Team of Humanitarian Solidarity of Tsunami Disaster in Aceh & North Sumatera Province, Indonesia (KSKBA)

The KSKBA is a consortium of non-governmental environmental and public interest organisations providing relief and supplies to areas devastated by the tsunami in Sumatra.

Banking With The Poor Network

The Banking With The Poor Network (BWTP) is a network of some 20 national policy institutions, commercial banks and NGOs involved in microfinance and microcredit from eight countries in Asia - namely Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Its...

Yayasan IDEP Foundation

Yayasan IDEP Foundation is an Indonesian NGO established in response to the economic crisis of 1999. The organisation works with local communities to develop sustainable food production programmes, and is involved in environmental education and campaigning, and in micro-credit projects. IDEP has...


Ruma is a social enterprise that aims to empower the poor in Indonesia by providing pre-packaged business opportunities complete with an equipment package, a strong brand, marketing materials, initial training, ongoing mentoring and access to a supply chain. Its flagship microfranchise business,...

Christian Blind Mission Australia (CBMI)

Christian Blind Mission Australia (CBMI) is an independent Christian development organisation dedicated to preventing and curing blindness, as well as to the education and rehabilitation of people who are blind or have other disabilities.

Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat (PKPU)

Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat (PKPU) provides a relief to the social problems of the poor.

WorldWise, Inc

Worldwise is based in USA and sends educational supplies to South Pacific, Indonesian and African schools.