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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Haiti

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. Much of the UNDP's work in Haiti focuses on restoration after the devastating earthquake that leveled the country in...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Honduras

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. In Hoduras the UNDP is currently working on projects focused on crisis prevention and recovery, energy, democratic...

Civil Society International

Civil Society International (CSI) assists independent organisations working for democracy and civil society in countries lacking in these principles. The CSI is a source of information about projects worldwide that are committed to limited government, popular elections and free association and...

Architecture for Humanity

Architecture for Humanity is an American NGO that seeks architectural solutions to humanitarian crises and brings design services to communities in need. Through design build programmes, partnerships with community development groups, workshops, educational forums, and other activities,...

Bahia Street

Founded in 1997, Bahia Street is registered as a non-profit organisation in Brazil, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Bahia Street’s mission is to combat poverty and violence through quality educational opportunities for economically-impoverished young women and girls in Brazil....

Whitman Community Action Centre

Whitman County Community Action Center is one of more than 900 Community Action agencies established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to fight America's War on Poverty. The Center has been a primary source of support for the more than 5,000 people who are living in poverty in Whitman...

Literacy To Legacy, Inc.

Literacy to Legacy is an American NGO that provides schools with tools and resources to help reduce bullying and school violence. As part of the programme, schools receive the SchoolTipLine: A state-of-the-art tool that allows students to anonymously submit tips via text or email, to school faculty...

Friends of Youth Press and Development Organisation (FYPDO)

Friends of Youth Press and Development Organisation (FYPDO) endeavours to reduce poverty and mitigate the impact of diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria that plague the youth of Chililabombwe District, Zambia. FYPDO's projects provide the tools, resources, training, and venue that allow these...

International Accelerated Missions (IAM)

International Accelerated Missions (IAM) trains nationals in several countries for humanitarian work and other projects. IAM programs include discipleship training schools, long and short term volunteer opportunities, medical missions, international teen ministry, and orphan care.

Calvary Chapel - Managua Nicaragua

Calvary Chapel - Managua Nicaragua serves one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Managua by providing free meals daily, jobs for the unemployed in their bakery, and elementary school education.

Mercy Corps - Niger

Mercy Corps is an NGO working as an international humanitarian agency involved in emergency relief, sustainable community development and assistance to communities recovering from disaster. In Niger, Mercy Corps works in rural and urban communities to promote health and nutrition, food security,...

Associacion par la Paz y Desarrollo (APD) - Nicaragua

Associacion par la Paz y Desarrollo (APD) is a Spanish based NGO committed to promoting gender equality, equitable redistribution of resources, and the improvement of life quality among men and women living in poverty. It runs projects and programs in 15 countries around the world to achieve ...

COVER (Corps of Volunteers Effecting Repair)

COVER Home Repair works together with homeowners and volunteers to provide urgently needed home repair that keeps the inhabitants warm safe and dry. COVER offers a weatherization program empowering homeowners and volunteers with knowledge and supplies to button up homes and reduce fuel/energy...

Bolivian Youth Ministries

Bolivian Youth Ministries(BYM) cares for orphaned and abandoned Bolivian children. Established by missionaries from the US, the organisation currently has four homes catering for a total of 30 girls. BYM also provides temporary care for children whose parents are imprisoned or otherwise unable to...

Washingtonville Housing Alliance (WHA)

Washingtonville Housing Alliance (WHA) constructs new housing and improves existing housing for low and moderate income residents and undertakes other supportive activities designed to sustain communities that are culturally diverse, multi-generational, and of mixed income.

Response & Development Fund (ERDF) of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc

Response&Development Fund (ERDF) of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc provides disaster relief and also administers long-term sustainable community development projects in developing countries.

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) is a consortium of 29 bilateral and multilateral donor agencies who support microfinance. CGAP's mission is to improve the capacity of microfinance institutions to deliver flexible, high-quality financial services to the very poor on a sustainable basis....

A Self-help Assistance Program - Africa (ASAP Africa)

A Self-Help Assistance Program – Africa (ASAP Africa) is an international NGO based in the US. The organisation aims to cultivate self-reliance in Southern Africa by empowering disadvantaged rural communities to effect fundamental and sustainable improvements in their own lives. In partnership...

Village Enterprise Fund (VEF)

Village Enterprise Fund (VEF) combines business training, seed capital grants, and ongoing mentoring to qualified rural entrepreneurs in East Africa to create sustainable income-generating businesses. Village Enterprise plays a unique role in the poverty reduction and microenterprise development...

United Nations (UN)

Founded in 1945, the UN is a humanitarian agency dedicated to maintaining peace and security in the world, solving global problems, and protecting human rights. The UN funds projects that seek to reduce poverty and to make the world a better place for all people.