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Doing business with the poor

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Alter Eco

Alter Eco is a French-based alternative trading organization, founded in 1999, which specializes in the import and distribution of Fairtrade products. Alter Eco products are offered in several French mass retailers such as Monoprix, Cora (hypermarket)|Cora, Match, System U, Leclerc and...

Ganesh Himal Trading

Ganesh Himal Trading has been supplying shops and retail customers in North America with high quality, handcrafted clothing, jewelry, textiles, and paper since 1984. The company imports directly from small cottage industries in Nepal, including development projects working to improve the lives of...

Monda African Art Ltd

Monda African Art is a limited liability company established in Nairobi, Kenya in 2005. It strives to create and produce original high-end handicrafts, including beaded sisal bags, fashionable jewelry and utilitarian soapstone items. The company is managed by a competent and experienced partnership...

Maasai Treads

Maasai Treads was established in August 2005, as part of an initiative to assist young creative shoemakers to earn a reasonable wage through recycling initiatives. Maasai treads makes footwear as well as a range of Maasai treads essentials. Maasai treads aims to show the global marketplace that...

Machakos District Co-operative Union Ltd (MDCU)

MDCU was established in 1964 as an umbrella organisation of primary co-operatives in Machakos district, Kenya. Today it assists mainly marginalized producers in the handcraft sector with products such as wood carvings, baskets, soapstones, etc. The mission of MDCU is to improve the quality of...

Kazuri 2000 Limited

The mission of Kazuri is to provide and sustain employment opportunities to the disadvantaged members of the Kenyan society. Kazuri began in 1975 as a tiny workshop experimenting with making handmade beads. It started with two Kenyan women and soon discovered that there were many other women in...

Honey Care Africa

Honey Care Africa was established in 2000 as an innovative private sector social enterprise to promote sustainable community-based beekeeping in Eastern Africa. It was set up with an explicit triple bottom-line agenda, with an emphasis on generating economic, social and environmental values...

Bosinange Juakali Soapstone

Bosinange Juakali soapstone is a private limited group that produces soapstone carvings (Arts), which are handcrafted by Kisii artisans in Kenya and sold locally and internationally to help them to alleviate poverty and improve their livelihood. The group was started in late 1980s under the...

Global Mamas

Global Mamas is a fair trade clothing cooperative located in Ghana, West Africa supporting the sustainable development of women artisans by producing Fair Trade products. Global Mamas infuses business social responsibility in all aspects of their work while promoting Fair Trade clothing for...

Cercle des Secheurs (CDS)

CDS is an organization supporting women producer groups in producing and marketing dried fruit and vegetables in Burkina Faso. The organization was founded in 1992 and was officially registered in 1995 as a Groupement d'Interet Economique (GIE), and subsequently acquired its own export...

Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust

Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust is an Indian NGO that educates people with disabilities. The Trust started with 4 physically challenged children and now looks after 30 students between the ages of 7 - 30. Education and food are provided free of charge.

Getrade (GH) Ltd Fps

Getrade (GH) Ltd Fps is an export house for Ghana small scale producers. Getrade deals with export handling for members and partners, marketing, freight services and domestic sales. The company produces bolga baskets, woodcarvings – toys (oware), furniture (stools), authentic African art,...

Bundu Designs

Bundu Designs is a social venture and online marketplace that is transforming the awareness and consumption of contemporary African design products with a core philosophy of ethical, sustainable and fairly traded products. They currently work in collaboration with over 25 largely women's community...

Connect with a Child

Connect with a Child is a holistic care program that was initiated as a response to the overwhelming number of poor, orphaned children and vulnerable women in Kenya, whose lives have been ravaged by death, disease and poverty. It has over 200 kids who are already sponsored and has help drill...

Association Here and There for Development

The Association Here and There for Development is a Moroccan NGO that aims to foster the value of solidarity through humanitarian action and to strengthen the values of civil society through sustainable development. The Association promotes and coordinates educational, cultural, social, economic,...

Bidii Children Foundation

The Bidii Children Foundation is an American NGO that supports AIDS orphans and poor children in rural Kenya achieve a viable education through scholarships, mentorship and community service. The Foundation also supports the underserved in the the communitiy by helping parents to establish and...

Kitengela Hot Glass

Kitengela Hot Glass started September 2000 with a desire to make flat and blown glass in Eastern Africa. It employs over thirty people, and has trained many more in the various disciplines that they are proficient in. Kitengela Glass is located opposite the Nairobi National Park, at the end of a...

Ethical Encounters

Ethical Encounters is a South African charitable organisation that organises travel to other parts of the continent and in doing so, aims to assist small community organisations who need resources for their own projects. This is achieved by encouraging travellers to undertake volunteering projects...

Borderless Sky Project

The Borderless Sky Project is an NGO compromising volunteers from the alumni, faculty, staff, and students of Andrews University in the USA. The Project aims to provide relief aid and development through micro-enterprise schemes, and to promote primary education and child welfare. The Project's...

Foreign Investment Promotion Council

The Foreign Investment Promotion Council is a mandated Regional Investment Promotion Agency promoting ‘investments’, with support from the Government of India. FIPC spearheads the efforts of NE India to attract inward investments by adopting INVEST_NER_2020. and offers support-oriented...