Advocacy of global issues
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Gods Heart for the Nations
Gods Heart for the Nations is an Indian Christian Organisation that works among and for marginalised communities including Dalits and tribals of unreached groups. The organisation provides humanitarian aid, helps children access education and women to access vocational training. In addition, the...
Center for Action and Applied Research for Development

Center for Action and Applied Research for Development (CAARD) was launched in the Rwenzori region of Uganda in May 2014. The company was born from the desire to develop the exchange of knowledge at local, national and global levels in a reliable and ethical manner, and to promote informed...
Rural Women Centre for Education and Development (RuWCED)

The Rural Women Centre for Education and Development (RuWCED) is a Cameroonian NGO that promotes the health, education, livelihoods and human rights of rural women and children. The organisation is dedicated to education, advocacy, research, service provision and networking.
Planning For Tomorrow Youth Organisation

Planning For Tomorrow Youth Organisation (P4T) is an NGO that was started by young people in the Kyangwali Refugee Settlement in Uganda. The organisation aims to unite and develop communities through leadership, education, and social entrepreneurship. Currently, members are involved in capacity...
JS Fund for Hope

JS Fund for Hope (JFH)is a Ghanaian NGO that aims to assist rural children and women by providing opportunities for development, focusing on health and education. To date, the organisation has assisted approximately 90 children to go to and stay in school, and 5 woomen's groups have been...
National Women's Welfare Society

The National Women’s Welfare Society is an Indian NGO that works for the rights of Muslim women and children, in particular, widows, divorcees and deserted women. The organisation also seeks to influence policy towards its client groups through lobbying and advocacy.
Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment (SHARE)

Social and Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment (SHARE) is an Indian NGO that aims to assist communities living in remote hilly areas of the country. SHARE organizes health and medical camps, awareness drives and education campaigns, and works on water related issues and training programmes...
Water and Development Committee (WDC)
The Water and Development Committee (WDC) is an NGO that works in the South-Central Regions of Somalia, and is headquartered in Bardera Somalia Liaison Office Kenya. The organization works on issues related to the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene, livelihoods, the empowerment of women...
Gram Seva Sansthan GSS

Gram Seva Sansthan (GSS) is an Indian NGO involved in integrated and sustainable development programmes. Projects include education, water resource resource management, environmental education and protection, Dalit upliftment, and disaster mitigation and relief. The organisation works with a...
Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development
Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development (IWNSUDE) is a Ugandan NGO that works on advocacy and capacity building programmes.
Tanzania Social Development Organization (TSDO)
TSDO is a national registered NGO in Tanzania addressing social-economic and poverty related challenges. The organization is located in Dar es salaam but is working all over the country with a variety of interventions such as providing water through bore-holes to schools, churches, communities, and...
Agape of Hope Female Youth Development Association

Agape of Hope is a Ugandan NGO that aims to equip young women victims of economic and social forces with information and knowledge of reproductive health and human rights.
Social Awareness and Live Support

Social Awareness and Live Support (SALISU) is a Tanzanian NGO that aims to assist in eradicating poverty and hunger, conserving the environment, supporting widows and orphans, working on HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigation and promoting culture and sports.
Community Advancement Forum (CAF)

The Community Advancement Forum is an NGO in Bangladesh. The organisation aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged people, giving special priority to women, children and the elderly. Currently, CAF is implementing a range of projects including indigenous people's rights,...
Hope for Teenage Mothers (HTM)

Hope for Teenage Mothers (HTM is a Kenyan NGO that helps girls who have become pregnant while teenagers. HTM runs projects in two Nairobi slums and is currently working on a project that includes building a school and providing accommodation for teenage mothers from the Maasai community.
Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness
The Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness (CEPDE) is a Liberian NGO which aims to promote peace, human rights and effective development for disadvantaged communities and populations in Liberia, West Africa. CEPDE offers policy advocacy and capacity building in the areas of community...
Holly Human Development Organization Pakistan Reg.

The Holly Human Development Organisation is an NGO in Pakistan. HHDOP was founded in 2009 with the aim of humanity serving in Pakistan . The organisation promotes interfaith harmony and interfaith dialogue, raises awareness among adolescents about reproductive health, HIV/ AIDS and the negative...
Starfish Christian Trust
Starfish Christian Trust is a new Christian charity that is working to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ by all means to all people in all parts of the world. The Trust works through the provision of financial assistance, support, education and practical advice.
Indian Women And Child Welfare Trust
The Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust (IWCWT) is an NGO involved in social development, relief and advocacy. The Trust is committed to the Millennium Development Goals, caring for poor, unprivileged and exploited people. The Trust's primary focus is on improving community education,...
Unity4Goodliving Initiative

The Unity4Goodliving Initiative is a Nigerian NGO interested in nutrition and health. The organisation intends to develop projects to increase food production and storage, and has also been involved in an anti-HIV campaign.