Advocacy of global issues
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Timberland partners with Big City Mountaineers to provide wilderness experiences

Timberland partners with Big City Mountaineers (BCM), an organization uniting volunteer mentors with urban youth for life-changing outdoor journeys.
Timberland and GreenNet reduce desertification in China

Timberland Japan and GreenNet have partnered to reduce desertification in Horqin, China. In 2001, Timberland started on one of its community service projects to support greening activities in China's Horqin Desert that is situated in Inner Mongolia, through Japan based non-profit organisation -...
Seventh Generation and WAGES partner to form a cooperative in San Francisco

Seventh Generation, an American company that distributes household and personal care products, has partnered with Women’s Action to Gain Economic Security (WAGES) to launch a new worker-owned residential green cleaning cooperative in San Francisco.
Safe Kids Walk This Way and FedEx promote child pedestrian safety.

Together with Safe Kids Worldwide, FedEx established the Safe Kids Walk This Way program to teach safe behaviors to motorists and child pedestrians and create safer, more walkable communities. The goal of the joint initiative is to prevent pedestrian-related injury to children.
Earthquake Disaster Reduction in Turkey

In 2000, following a major earthquake in Turkey, Arup joined five other British engineering and construction firms operating in the country to form the British Earthquake Consortium for Turkey (BECT).
ITU and Thuraya forge partnership for portable satellite terminals.

In July 2006, the International Telecommunication Union and United Arab Emirates' Thuraya Satellite cooperate to provide portable satellites for disaster relief to government authorities, rescue teams and humanitarian agencies for relief and rehabilitation efforts.
Fair Trade group builds links with supermarkets

The Advocate for Philippine Fair Trade, Inc. (APFTI) is now working on expanding the market reach of Fair Trade products in the Philippines, through a strong partnership with supermarket associations in the country.
Financial inclusion improves Sanitation and Health (FINISH)

FINISH is an action research project set up by UNU-MERIT a research and training centre of the United Nations University in Holland, working in close collaboration with the University of Maastricht.
Auckland Zoo Makes Jumbo Swap to Fairtrade Bananas

Auckland Zoo is making a permanent swap to Fairtrade bananas.
Canon supports Red Cross in promoting international humanitarian law

The French Red Cross is carrying out a project to introduce teenagers (10–19 year-old age group) to the basic rules of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) on the protection of victims of war and related issues.
Barclays and Citigroup participate in NGO-corporate partnerships to support vulnerable children in rural Kenya

Under an initiative led by Pathfinder and Barclays Bank of Kenya, Ltd., the Kabras Jua Kali Association (KJKA) runs a program for orphans and vulnerable childred (OVC) aged 15 to 21 years.
Aveda supports environment NGOs by Earth Month Campaign

Each year during the month of April, Aveda salon and spa professionals, employees and guests work together to raise funds for grassroots organisations that protect biodiversity and address environmental issues around the world. The Earth Month campaign focuses on a specified environmental topic...
Development of art therapy for psychiatric disorders by Pfizer Slovakia

Pfizer Slovakia decided to support League for Mental Health in the development of art-therapy, through the project “Searching for a talent”.
Microsoft and nonprofit P-MAT partner in Slovakia to equip people with computer skills, through the Project-40UP.

Created in 2007, Project-40UP was aimed at providing a basic level of computer literacy of the Slovak Republic in middle age. This initiative allows persons who have had historical reasons a minimal chance to receive an education in information technology, attend vocational training courses aimed...
The Bank of the Canton of Vaud and Terre Des Hommes combine to help the children of Switzerland and other Countries.

The Bank of the Canton of Vaud(BCV) and Terre des hommes cooperate in supporting children at a national and international level.
Tupperware Suisse SA Acts to Helps Children Grow up with Respect for their Physical Integrity.

Tupperware Switzerland SA supports Terre Des Hommes’(Tdh) projects by being active on behalf of those children who should have the right to grow up with respect for their physical integrity.
Bouygues Telecom supports the Nicolas Hulot Foundation

Bouygues Telecom has been supporting the “Défi pour la Terre” (Challenge for the Earth) programme since 2005, and the “Biodiversité” (Biodiversity) programme since 2008.
Grameen Danone creates a social dairy business enterprise in Bangladesh

Grameen Danone Foods, popularly known as "Grameen Danone" is a social business enterprise which, launched in 2006, has been designed to provide children with many of the key nutrients that are typically missing from their diet in rural Bangladesh.
Procter & Gamble partners with Fondation de France to provide financial and logistical support for children “without a roof”' campaign

Procter & Gamble France supports the housing program of the Fondation de France through Operation SOS Enfance Mal Logée( SOS Childhood Poorly Housed). This program helps families affected by poor housing.
Becton, Dickinson and Company helps establish Wellness Centres for health care workers in Africa
In 2006, Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) announced a multi-year initiative to provide health and wellness services to healthcare providers working on the front lines in several African nations.