Advocacy of global issues
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Nigeria Association of Commercial Commuters (NACC-Nigeria)
The Nigerian Association of Commercial Commuters (NACC-Nig) was established in July, 2014. The organization recently gained recognition and granted a Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Organization as a non-governmental organization. The...
Sauti ya Mtoto Foundation(SMF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2017. It become legally registered under the Non-governmental organization Act, 2002 of the Laws of Tanzania in the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children in 2018. Sauti ya Mtoto is a Swahili word which means...
IHOPE Foundation (NGO)
IHOPE Foundation is a Kenyan National NGO registered with the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Board under (Reg.No:OP.218/051/14-0368/9714). IHOPE Foundation is working with under-privileged communities to improve rural health through responsive and innovative health programming, service...
The Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi
The Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi (BASS) is an Indian Progressive Service Society, located in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. BASS is a registered non-governmental voluntary organization established in 1978. BASS seeks to improve the livelihoods of communities include children, youth, women and vulnerable...
Poverty Relief Aid
The aims and objectives of POVERTY RELIEF AID are to improve the lives of poor families and communities by offering life saving during emergencies, implementing rehabilitation and long term development programmes. To fulfill the objectives the poor and underprivileged are assisted by providing them...
LC Disability and Development Programmes (LCDDP)
LC Disability and Development Programmes [LCDDP] is an Indian NGO that aims to ensure that persons with disabilities do not remain ot the fringe of the development process. The organisation focuses on issues related to education, health, community mobilization and livelihood, and works in...
Mahila Margadarshi
Mahila Margadarshi is a women's NGO working on development issues in marginalized communities in Andhra Pradesh, India The organisation is involved in a large range of projects, including violence against women and improvement of the water supply, child rights and disaster mitigation. Its...
Foundation for People's Welfare Nakalembe
The Foundation for People's Welfare Nakalembe is an NGO in Uganda with the major aim of alleviating the suffering of the most vulnerable and unprivileged people. The organisation works for people living with HIV/AIDS, helping them to become more self-reliant through counseling and support. The...
International Transformation Foundation (ITF)
ITF is an international youth-led non-profit organization providing youth educational and self-development programs encompassing leadership and entrepreneurship to harness creativity for a youth system that provide jobs,offers security, opens opportunities to grow and contributes to the development...
Humanity For The World
Humanity For The World (HFTW) is a non-profit French NGO, created by a woman, operational and speculative dimension initiated, piloted from Martinique (French West Indies) and the Caribbean. Present on all social networks, Humanity For The World (HFTW) is the first declared humanitarian lobby,...
Centre for Ageing and Rural Development (CARD)
The Centre for Ageing and Rural Development (CARD)is a Kenyan NGO that aims to empower and promote the interests of older persons through training, support, research, policy analysis, and dissemination of information. The organization’s efforts are geared towards the alleviation of poverty and...
Mmanze Centre for Rural Development and Training (MACERUDET)
MACERUDET (Mmanze Centre for Rural Development and Training) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation is involved in healthcare control and disease prevention programmes, work on AIDS prevention and mitigation, infrastructure and facilities development, skills training and the promotion of women's...
Giving It Back To Kids
Giving it Back to Kids is a non-profit corporation dedicated to transforming life through medical care, education, nutrition and love. Giving it Back to Kids, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation tax id #43-1955650. All donations are US tax deductible according to state and federal...
Live in Green Live in Wealth Youth Initiative (LGLWYI)
LGLWYI is a youth founded Non-profit Organization whose primary mission is “Eradication of poverty, food insecurity and fostering high quality of life for the people whilst safe- guarding the long-term environmental sustainability”. OBJECTIVES: i. To promote awareness among the people of the...
African Women and Girls Organization For Total Knowledge-Uganda
African Women and Girls Organization For Total Knowledge -Uganda is a not for profit organization and part of the International Global Women's Organization with international offices in USA, IOWA. African Women and Girls Organization For Total Knowledge-Uganda was established in Uganda on the 27th,...
Action to save Children and Their Rights (ASCAR)
ASCAR is a nonprofit organization registered charity in Uganda, established in 2009 and registered in 2012. ASCAR is committed to providing assistance to vulnerable children, youth and women. Mission Empower children youth and women taking responsibility for their action against illiteracy,...
Empower Women Youth and Children Project
The Empower Women, Youth and Children (EARN) Project is a Ugandan NGO that works on issues related to agriculture, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, environmental protection, gender and human rights advocacy. Target client groups are women and child-headed families in rural communities in Northern Uganda. ...
Rural Action For Social Empowerment (RASET)
The Rural Action For Social Empowerment Trust (RASET) ia an NGO in Tamil Nadu, India. The organisation aims to transform the structures and institutions where gender discrimination and social inequalities apply and to work for a more just society. RASET works on education and empowerment of...
Ikongo Rural Development Association
Ikongo Rural Development Association (IRDA) is a registered Non-Governmental (NGO) that provides Voluntary Social Service. The organisation was registered in 1998 bearing the number S.5914/2211. It was formed by a group of women and Men social Activists who are all experienced in the field of...
INFID (International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development)
The International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) is a network comprising Indonesian NGOs, together with member countries of the Consultative Group for Indonesia (CGI). INFID’s remit is to facilitate communication between NGOs to promote alleviation of structural poverty, and improve...