News Articles on Global Hand
The saucepan and the corn flour: Ugandan atrocities leave their mark

“We knew the rebels’ message was serious: If your teacher comes to school, tell him to bring a saucepan and the students to bring corn flour.” As a former child soldier told us this story, we listened, bewildered. Why was that message ‘serious’. What did the saucepan and corn flour mean?
Sierra Leone: Aftermath of the blood bath
When the wounding is done, and you are left alone and bleeding, where can you turn in a war torn environment?
Hunger, the Silent Killer

They call it the silent killer. Hunger is responsible for more deaths per hour, per day, than any other force on the planet, war, HIV, climate change included.
Legacy of Chernobyl: Radiation’s long fingered reach

Two decades after the tragedy at Chernobyl, a tired eeriness still hovers over parts of the Ukraine, the shadow of the nuclear accident still blighting the lives of local people.
Decades of instability: The struggle in Guinea Bissau

An attempted coup was not on the plan when UK aid workers drove their humanitarian cargo half way around the world to help one of the planet’s poorest nations.
Uprooted and forgotten: The atrocities nobody cared about

For twenty years the world stood by with little interest as civil war wrought wanton destruction on Uganda. Why, then, would anyone care now that peace has finally been negotiated?
Jeffrey Sachs Shares on a Panel for the New UN and Business Website During the World Economic Forum

A special panel focused on business & United Nations partnerships was held during the 2010 World Economic Forum.
Raising the Bar: Media Social Responsibility

This article, originally published two years ago, has now been adapted to include more recent research.
New version of Global Hand - January, 2010

Following the launch of the new United Nations site (, built by Global Hand, we have re-launched our own website at the end of January, 2010. This happens to fall in the immediate wake of the tragedy in Haiti which is necessitating rapid global response, given the breadth of...
New Partnership with the United Nations - January, 2010

(14 January 2010) Today sees the launch of a new website which Global Hand has built for the United Nations: